  • 期刊


Relationship between the Experience Types of a Corporate Museum and Brand Knowledge: Case Study on the Creative Life Industry




Corporate museums are a part of the creative life industry. To the author's knowledge, no research has been conducted on how these museums provide life experience through experience types design, thereby forming brand knowledge and generating brand responses. This study explores the types of experience corporate museums provide and their design elements from the customer perspective and examines the relationship between experience design and brand knowledge. By adopting a qualitative content analysis approach, interviews were held with 12 customers of the Shilin branch of Kuo Yuan Ye Museum of Cake and Pastry and Chihsing Tan Katsuo Museum. The results revealed that these museums primarily provide educational, entertainment, and esthetic experience, and compiled seven experiential design elements related to brand knowledge. Accordingly, educational entertainment and educational esthetics enrich the customer experience provided by corporate museums, and educational, entertainment, and esthetic design elements influence brand knowledge at different levels. The results of this study are expected to support corporate museums in the creative life industry in developing a theoretical basis on the relationship between experience types and brand knowledge and relevant applications for business practices.


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