  • 期刊

Evaluation of Pre-Hospital and Emergency Department Delays in Acute Ischemic Stroke-A Hospital-Based Study



目的 證據顯示,及時的血栓溶解治療可以改善急性缺血性腦中風病患的預後,減少後遺症。今年初台灣剛剛通過對於中風的血栓溶解治療,但目前還很少病人接受這樣的治療。本研究的目的是分析急性缺血性腦中風病患到院前,以及到院後處置所需時間,以作為將來推動血栓溶解治療的參考。 方法 這是以台彎中部某醫學中心急診室為病人樣本來源的回溯性調查,以疾病分類代碼(ICD-9CM)為基礎,調出診斷為缺血性腦中風,並從急診收入神經內科病房住院的病人之病歷,根據ACLS2000的建議,篩選出適合做血栓溶解治療的病患,依時問序列進行分析。 結果 從2002年1月到12月,總共有212人納入本研究,其中男性佔126人(59.4%),女性佔86人(40.6%),只有44人(20.8%)能夠及時在120分鐘內抵達醫院的急診室。其中只有26人(12.3%,26/212)利用EMS抵達急診部,EMS輸送病人的平均時間為26.0士22.5分鐘。 結論 若要廣泛推行血栓溶解治療,除了必須調整院內作業流程之外,更重要的是必須教導民眾關於中風的相關症狀,並強調及時至急診室就醫的重要性。


Objectives. Evidence suggests that thrombolytic treatment reduces the morbidity and mortality associated with acute ischemic stroke; however, thrombolysis has only recently been approved for use in Taiwan. This study aimed to assess pre-hospital delays and Emergency Department(ED) delays in anticipation of the eventual introduction of thrombolytic treatment in Taiwan. Methods. This was a hospital-based retrospective study. A total of 651 patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to the ED from January 2002 to December 2002, were selected by ICD-9CM codes and analyzed in a time series. Patients who were referred to our institute or had incomplete data were excluded from the study. Results. A total of 212 patients, 126 (59.4%) men and 86 (40.6%) women, were considered suitable for thrombolytic treatment. Only 44 patients (20.8%) were sent to the ED within 120 min of stroke onset and only 26 patients (12.3%, 26/212) were transported by the emergency medical service (EMS). The average transportation time by EMS was 26.0+22.5 min. Conclusions. There is an urgent need to educate the public about thrombolytic treatment for stroke and to immediately evaluate patients when warning signs develop.
