  • 期刊


The Effects of Jia-wei-xiao-yao-san, Lian-zi-qing-xin-yin, Long-dan-xie-gan-tang, Xiang-sha-liu-jun-ji-tang and Si-ni-san on Cell Proliferation of Human Hepatoma Cell Lines


對肝炎的治療,以病毒性肝炎而言,其目的主要使患者肝臟損傷的癒合或肝細胞於分化再生後所產生的變異細胞之清除。由於病毒性肝炎在肝內易導致肝細胞損傷後的再複製,引起肝細胞基因的改變而產生變異的肝細胞,因而引起肝腫瘤。中醫臨床上對肝炎患者的治療,以整體之考量,依其證型分別施以不同的處方。其目的在於調整患者的生理功能,身體之陰陽平衡,達到清除病毒或對變異細胞之清除,避免造成發炎,對肝細胞的傷害,達到對患者最佳的治療作用。 本實驗選擇一些臨床醫師常用於病毒性肝炎的處方,如加味消遙散,蓮子清心飲,龍膽瀉肝湯,香砂六君子湯,四逆散等。探討在體外對肝癌細胞株之毒殺作用。結果於72小時加味消遙散與四逆散無任何的毒性作用。而蓮子清心飲,龍膽瀉肝湯,香砂六君子湯等三方劑於處理72小時後對測試二種肝癌細胞株有顯著的生長抑制及毒殺效應。基於上述結果,可建議採用蓮子清心飲,香砂六君子湯等為慢性肝炎患者的因證選用的首選方。而龍膽瀉肝湯因其為苦寒瀉火的方劑,因而對慢性病毒性肝炎需長期服用藥物的患者,並不建議長期採用。


The major therapeutic strategy for hepatitis virus infection is curring the damage hepatocytes or deminishing the mutant hepatic cell caused by virus infection. Treatment with Chinese herb medicines is considering he whole body’ condition, different prescription according to he different symptoms. The purpose of the Chinese medicine therapy may modulate the balance of physiological function and clean the mutant cells, avoid inflammation. In the present study, the crude extracts of jia-wei-xiao-yao-san, lian-zi-qing-xin-yin, long-dan-xie-gan-tang, xiang-sha-liu-jun-ji-tang and si-ni-san, were used to evaluate their effects on cell proliferation of human hepatoma cell lines. Our results showed that jia-wei-xiao-yao-san and si-ni-san did not affect the proliferation of human hepatoma cells. However, the extracts of lian-zi-qing-xin-yin, long-dan-xie-gan-tang and xiang-sha-liu-jun-ji-tang significantly inhibited the growth and promoted the cell death of the human hepatoma cells. Taken together, our observations suggest that lian-zi-qing-xin-yin and xiang-sha-liu-jun-ji-tang are the better therapeutic choices for patients with chronic hepatitis. Long-dan-xie-gan-tang is used, as anti-inflammatory medicine, is not suit for long-term treatment for chronic hepatitis patients.
