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A Case Report of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Alleviating the Side Effects of Cervical Cancer after Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy


這位38歲女性,就診中醫欲改善每日八到十行的腹瀉。曾患有右側甲狀腺峽部乳頭狀惡性腫瘤,在於106/09/26執行單側右葉甲狀腺切除和峽部切除,現在每日固定補充甲狀腺素。而109/8/25因陰道非經期出血量少色紅,經病理切片和核磁共振確診為子宮頸癌,侵犯子宮頸到陰道的上端三分之二,做過電線圈子宮頸錐狀切除(Loop electrosurgical excision procedure, LEEP)、放射線治療和化學治療(Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy, CCRT)。在放療化療治療期間,開始出現腹瀉狀況,腹瀉情形嚴重,每日排便十多次。放療化療治療結束後三個月,每日排便次數仍有八到十次,大便質地偏軟,腹部用力時即大便失禁,偶爾肛門破皮出血,就診中醫,察其個性焦慮、家庭負擔沉重勞損造成肝腎陰虛,而病患舌質淡紅,舌苔薄白,齒痕明顯,而雙尺脈浮細,診斷標是脾虛濕困、本是肝腎陰虛,給予加味逍遙散養血健脾,半夏瀉心湯調暢中焦脾胃氣機、恢復脾升胃降的生理功能,一貫煎既養陰又疏肝,第二次回診後增加參苓白朮散健脾益氣。中藥介入治療兩個月後,腹瀉次數從一天八到十次減少為一到三次,病患腹部用力即大便失禁情形完全改善,為一中藥治療子宮頸癌經放療化療後產生腹瀉副作用的有效案例。


子宮頸癌 中醫 放射線治療 化療


The 38-year-old woman was very anxious and tired. The purpose of visiting Chinese medicine is to relief diarrhea. She suffers from a papillary malignant tumor of the right thyroid isthmus and underwent unilateral right thyroidectomy and isthmus resection on 106/09/26. Now, she regularly supplements thyroxine every day. On 109/8/25, due to a small amount of non-menstrual vaginal bleeding, cervical cancer was diagnosed by pathological biopsy and MRI. Cervical cancer affects two thirds of the cervix and vagina. She has been treated for LEEP(Loop electrosurgical excision procedure) and CCRT(Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy). Three months after the completion of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, there are still eight to ten bowel movements a day. Chinese medicine diagnosed her as spleen deficiency and liver and kidney yin deficiency. After two months of interventional therapy with traditional Chinese medicine, the frequency of diarrhea decreased from 8 to 10 times a day to 1 to 3 times. This is an effective case of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of cervical cancer with diarrhea after radiotherapy and chemotherapy.


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