  • 期刊


Analysis of Productivity and Manpower of Speech Theraphy Personnel in Taiwan Area



本研究以國內提供復健科服務之119家醫峙的語言治療服務現況,及連倚南於民國79年至81年間所進行「各類醫院復健治療患者之病因分類與治療項目及期間之研究」之語言治療服務病人病人特質等為主要研究資料,接取台灣地區每年每人平均接受語言治療之次數,當作需求基本指標。並考量人口成長;性別年齡組成;保險變化;都市化程度等因素,推估民國90年及民國100年之語言治療人力供給與需求之關係,並瞭解目前國內各縣市及各醫療區間之語言治療人員生產力及分布情形,供聽力語言治療界及政府相關單位政策規劃之參考。 研究結果顯示,語言治療人員於民國90年達平衡,民國100年該人員呈供過於求之現象。惟本研究主要係以醫療機構式內語言治療人員之供需為主,若參考國外近年來語言治療人員之發展服務顯型,其自行開業之比例約佔13%;若將此因素納入考量,則未來台灣地區語言治療人員之供需推估將有不同之結果。又若由語言治療品質保證層面考量,僅估算大學以上程度之語言治療人員數量,則其供給將明顯不足。語言治療人力分布方面,台灣地區各縣市人口與語言治療人員所佔比例人數之差距仍相當大,未來除考量全體民眾之語中治療需求量之外,如何兼顧縣市間之語言治療人力均衡,亦將是聽力語言治療界極重要課題。


This study took speech therapy services data from Department of rehabi1 litation Medicine of 119 hospitals and form Dr. Lian's study of Disease Classification and Treatment of Patients in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Among Different Hospitals', to have the information related to the characteristics of patients who received Medical rehabilitation. The data were analyzed to obtain the average number of times of visits to speech therapist per person per year in Taiwan area, thereby constructing the basic index of speech therapy demand. Population growth, sex and age mix, insurance coverage change and urbanization were taken into account to predict the relation between demand and supply of speech therapy personnel for the year of 2001 and 2011. The status QUO of productivity and distribution of speech therapy personnel in each county/city and medical region were examined as well in order to provide basis for better planning and policymaking in speech therapy field and government agencies. The study showed that speech therapists seem to be achieved a balance in 2001, it will I seem to be over-supplied in 2011. Nevertheless, this study focused on the demand and supply of speech therapy personnel who resided in medical institutions. Given that up to 13 percent of speech therapy personnel devote themselves to other varied speech therapy services such as those provided in private practices in many developed countries, the result may be quite different. With regard to distribution aspect, the differences of ratios of speech therapy personnel to population between counties/cities are so enormouslly huge. Apart from considering providing enough speech therapy services for the al I population, how to balance the manpower of this profession would be an important issue in the future.
