

彰化基督教醫院臨床上發現一年齡十歲表現出特殊語言障礙之女學童。個案主訴自幼沒有口語,對於學校的學習狀況日漸困難。經由臨床之理學、各式神經學檢查均無明顯器質性之缺陷,卻表現出嚴重之口語理解困難。經過進一步之聽力與神經生理檢查發現個案對於非語音聲音之聽力正常。但是對於語音語言的辨識有顯著異常。個案接受智能評估,其智力商數為70,但是非語文量表之智商為90,百分等級為47;語文量表之智商為46,百分級小於0.1。經其他標準化與非標準化的測試,個案之非口語理解能力正常,在學校與同儕的人際關係良好。此類語障因屬發展性之特殊語言障礙,稱之為語音聽覺缺失症(verbal auditory agnosia)。本文從本案例的發現、檢查、施測、分析、轉介、追蹤及其目前進行溝通輔具的訓練成效,進行整理與說明,並在文中對發展型語言障礙患童的基本特質做一簡要的說明。


The girl was first seen at the age of 10 years. She had not made any verbal sounds since birth. Although her school performance was average for the first two years, it declined after that. The physical examination and neurological examination were all within normal range. Superfically she appeared to be deaf. In depth assessment of heir hearing was normal to pure peripheral tones. She did not response to verbal stimulation unless there was also a visual cue. Although her level of intelligence was at marginal leve (FIQ=70), there was a great discrepancy between VIQ(46) and PIQ(99). Perceptual testing revealed gross inability in verbal and written language, the verbal worse than the written. Other visual perception was normal. She was emotionally stable and related to other people well. This is a case of a specific developmental language disorder, called verbal auditory agnosia.

