  • 期刊

A Study of Political Control over the Taiwan National Governing Bodies of Sport



本研究的目的是分析台灣地區的國民黨與民進黨使用政治力介入與控制運動單項協會的研究。文獻分析與半結構式(semi-structure)的訪談是此一研究蒐集資料的兩個方法。使用此兩種研究方法是要解明結構性的轉變中政策的發展並藉由主要的政策制定者所提供的資料來加以分析。以上方法所取得之資料以質性分析軟體(QSR)加以主題式的歸納與演繹。最後,取得之資料以策略性關係的論點(strategic relations approach)加以討論。國民黨政府執政逾半世紀並與運動協會建立了特定的互動關係。隨著國民黨的執政,政治環境由權威統治慢慢轉型為自由民主體制。此時民進黨於89年取得執政權,民進黨開始展開以去國民黨化的改革,在運動組織這一方面,將經費的補助制度效率化是主要的政策方向。國民黨政府執政期間藉由建構其特有的國家發展策略來維持其執政權,民進黨經過14年的經營於89年首次取得執政權,然而國民黨執政期間,民進黨也部分的共同伴演國家轉型的角色。民進黨於89年取得中央政府主導權之後,對於運動協會的態度是抱著急進但重效率的路線。


The purpose of this study was to identify political affiliation and political reconstruction both in the ruling of the Kuomintang (KMT) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) into National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) in Taiwan. Document analysis and interviews were two of the methods adopted in this study. Each explanation sought to identify both the structural context of policy development and the explanation provided by individual policy actor. The empirical analysis of policies drew on the evidence provided by both the key actors in the state who have played a significant role in enabling sports policy output and also official reports of the Legislative Yuan. Qualitative data analysis software (QSR) was used to manage and organize the data in an inductive and deductive thematic analysis. The KMT government dominated at the central government level for half a century. Specific relationships between the central government and the Republic of China Sports Federation (ROCSF) had been established. The political system in the ROC/Taiwan has been reformed from an authoritarian system to a liberal pluralist state. This has significantly influenced the structure of sports at the central government level. In coming to power in 2000, the DPP has initiated a situation of political affiliation in sport through which it has partly sought to ‘modernise’ by the development of rational criteria for grant aid, and by diminishing the influence of the ROCSF, which had been a bastion of KMT influence. The KMT government over its 51 years of rule in Taiwan accumulated some specific state strategies and established selectivity in its own state forms (eg. the ROCSF). The DPP government took power in the central government after struggling for 14 years (1986-2000) in the political system. The current strategic selectivity of the state is in part for its transformation. The way, in terms of the sports system, the DPP seeks to regulate its relationships with the NGBs can be seen as an emergent effect of the political transformation, from one party control to a modern (rational) liberal democracy, at one level, and at another by the replacement of one party hegemony by another.
