  • 期刊


Cultural Conflict, Cultural Adaptation, and Cultural Fusion: Exploring the Stipulation of Married Women's Family Names in Huwei during the Colonial Period of Taiwan


本研究對於受日本帝國統治長達半世紀之久的台灣人的姓氏,特別是與明治民法第746條緊密關連的「台灣已婚婦女姓氏」進行調查。調查對象選定以漢族佔居民絕大部分的虎尾鎮,並以現今仍然完整地保存於虎尾鎮戶政事務所的日治時期戶籍資料,為本研究的調查資料。 透過本研究,不僅可以一窺當時已婚婦女的姓氏呈現何種風貌,台灣總督府對於漢族的「冠姓」習俗抱持何種態度。更能透過本研究,解析政治力(包括軍事力)在文化交流中所扮演的角色與份量,也就是對於描述政治力與舊有的習俗之間如何對抗、妥協、融合這個文化交流的課題,提供些微的助力。


冠姓 姓氏 已婚婦女 明治民法 文化交流


In light of the historical background that the Japanese empire had reigned over Taiwan for 50 years, the author examines the family names of married women in Taiwan, which are highly related to Article 746 of the Meiji Civil Code. Huwei, the site for research is a township at which the majority are the Han people. The historical literature during the Japanese occupation well preserved in Huwei Household Registration Office is treated as the data for the study. The study unearths the then family names of married women and the colonial government’s attitude towards the Han’s adoption of husband’s family name during marriage. Moreover, the exploration interprets the role of political forces (including military forces) and to what extent the forces remained the authority in cultural exchanges, i.e., how political forces and the customs conflicted, adapted, and eventually reached the cultural fusion.


