  • 期刊


The Study of Perceptions of Assessment for Physical Education Teachers in Junior Middle and High Schools of Taiwan


本研究之主要目的在於針對台灣地區中等學校體育教師對教學評量之認知進行現況調查。影響因素包括性別、任教學校級別(國、高中職)、年齡及教學年資。本研究採量表問卷調查法,以台灣地區30所中等學校為母群體,採隨機抽樣方式進行研究,有效問卷共109份。研究工具為Matanin and Tannehill(1994)所發展的「教學評量認知評估量表」,所得資料以獨立樣本T檢定及單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)等統計方法加以分析後,得出下列結論: (一)性別 在效能、重要性、影響因素等三方面,女性比男性教師認為在教學評量認知上影響程度較大。在態度方面,男性比女性教師認為體育不如其它學科重要。而在施行評量時,女性體育教師較其男性體育教師願考慮學生的個別情況。 (二)任教學校級別 在效能上,國、高中職體育教師在教學評量認知方面沒有太大的差異。在態度及影響因素方面,高中職教師比國中教師認為在體育教學評量花費太多時間且並不太樂意評估學生成績,而高中職教師比國中教師較能接受同僚及其它人的意見。在重要性方面,國中教師比高中職教師認為體育教學評量是重要的。 (三)年齡與教學年資 發現較年長或較資深的教師在施行評量及測驗時較具信心並對其公平程度更有自信,而較年長或較資深的體育教師也傾向認為體育的重要性不如其它學科。


教學評量 認知


The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of assessment for physical education teachers in both junior middle and high schools in Taiwan. Four variables used to measure the perception of assessment include gender, age, teaching school level, and years of teaching. A total of 109 physical education teachers from 12 junior middle schools and 18 high schools all over Taiwan participated in the study. The research instrument was a modified Perception Evaluation Questionnaire developed by Matanin and Tannehill (1994) for collecting subjects’ perception of assessment. The T-test and ONE-WAY ANOVA statistic methods were applied to evaluate the data below: 1. Gender In comparison males with females, it was found that female physical education teachers had a higher tendency to believe that efficiency, importance and factor these three categories were significant in perception of assessment. It was found that the male physical education teachers had a higher tendency to agree that physical education assessment was not so important as other academic subjects in comparison males with females. In comparison males with females, it was found that during grading, female physical education teachers had a higher tendency to think students' efforts and each individual's situation should be considered. 2. Teaching school level In comparison junior middle school teachers with high school teachers, it was found that both parties thought no significant difference in perception of assessment in efficiency category. As to categories of attitude and factor, in comparison junior middle school teachers with high school teachers, it was found: that high school teachers had a higher tendency to agree that assessment for physical education spent too much time and would not like to evaluate students' grades. In comparison junior middle school? teachers with high school teachers, it was found that comments from the colleagues or the others would be more acceptable by high school teachers. In the category of importance, junior middle school teachers thought assessment for physical education was more important than what high school teachers did. 3. Age and years of teaching In comparison aged experienced teachers with young teachers, it was found that the aged experienced people were more confident when conducting assessment and test, this confidence would make them feel comfortable and believe that they were fair to students when proceeding assessment. It was found that the aged experienced people had a high tendency to think that physical education was not so important as other academic subjects, in comparison aged experienced teachers with young teachers.


Assessment perception


