  • 期刊


Cognition and Preference toward Learning Environment of Technical and Vocational Education



民國95年技職一貫教育政策實施後,將伴隨著幾項特色:1.科別統整與分化,2.中等及高等各級學校課程上下銜接(上至研究所、博士班下至國中技藝班)一貫化,3.本位課程落實,及4.校內資源整合。此為教育改革上的一大突破,但同時也對學習場所的情境有明顯的影響,學校必須嘗試創新與轉型,以充分配合新的政策。本研究針對教室學習情境的一些轉型型式,探討高職老師與學生受測者對於這些型式的「認知意象」、「認知空間」、及期待的學習情境空間型式。 本研究以多元尺度法(multidimensional scaling, MDS)的二個分析工具:INDSCAL及PREFMAP,探討受測者對於十二種學習情境的認知及偏好。結果發現:(一)學習情境的認知架構以二向度詮釋:「干預互動」-「退隱收斂」、「自律自主」-「分享合作」、(二)師生二種族群對於學習情境型式的偏好理想點(ideal Point),在性別上沒有差異,在師生間卻有明顯的差異,明確地說:(l)學生的認知空間傾向「退隱收斂」-「分享合作」、(2)教師的認知空間傾向「干預互動」-「分享合作」、(3)師生的共同理想點傾向「退隱收斂」-「分享合作」。


By the time the integration policy on technological and vocational education is implemented in 2006, the main characteristics shall include (1) departmental integration and diversification, (2) connection of middle school education, and higher education (colleges, universities, and graduate schools), (3) implementation of core curriculums, and (4) integration of campus resources. Thus vocational high Schools have to transform to implement the coming education policy, as this educational breakthrough definitely has a significant impact on current learning environment. The study which aimed at classroom learning environment, investigates perceptual images, perceptual spaces as well as expected learning environment patterns of teachers and students in schools. The study uses two analysis tools: Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), i.e. INDSCAL and PREFMAP programs to examine subjects' perception and preference for 12 learning environment patterns. It is found that (a) The subjects' perception framework of learning environments can be interpreted by means of two-dimension structure: from ”interfering, interactive” to ”retiring, restrained”, and from ”self-disciplined, independent” to ”participation, cooperation”, and (b) no significant gender distinction can be found between the ”ideal point of learning environment.” However, there is a remarkable disparity between teachers and students. Put it clearly, students' space perception tends to be from ”retiring, restrained” to ”participation, cooperation” whereas that of teachers is apt to be ”interfering, interactive” to ”participation, cooperation.” Finally, the common ideal point of both teachers and students is from ”retiring, restrained” to ”participation, cooperation.”
