  • 期刊


Planning and Practice in the 'General History of Taiwan Course': An Example of Historical Studies in the Core Courses in Tamkang University


台灣史的史事認知與詮釋,雖然在社會上仍存有爭議,但是台灣史教學的重要性與迫切性,則是不容否認的。本文謹提供筆者在淡江大學核心課程「歷史研究」學門中,所開設「台灣通史」課程的教學設計與實施情形,藉以拋磚引玉。 教學法的設計,除一般史事的傳授外,強調由近而遠、由具體而抽象的授課方式。如會要求學生「編織」自己家鄉史的報告;或配合幻燈片、錄影帶、田野,講述大學周遭-淡水與台北城之歷史沿革。「如何詮釋歷史」亦是筆者教學中重視的一環,文中提出一些示例以及筆者的思考點,從這些示例帶動學生思考並參與討論。


Though there are still many disputable points in the recognition and explanation of the historical facts in Taiwan history, the importance and urgency of teaching Taiwan history is undeniable. This paper presents the writer's experience in course planning and practice of this subject within the area of Historical Studies in the Tamkang University core curriculum. In course planning, besides the lectures on historical facts, there is an emphasis on moving from near to distant areas in location, and from concrete to abstract facts. For example, students are asked to write reports on the history of their home town or to present a report on the historical changes in areas close to Tamshui and Taipei City using slides, videos and field work. The writer also emphasizes the importance of teaching the students the various ways of explaining history. In this paper, there are also several examples of ideas used to stimulate the students' imaginations and to encourage them to participate in classroom discussion.
