  • 期刊


A Revolution in the Courses of Junior College and General Education


大學的通識教育,自民國72年台灣大學實施「社會科學概論」及「藝術欣賞」等通識課程,教育部於民國73年4月5日,發佈「大學通識教育選修科目實施要點」,將通識教育正式列為大學教育的發展目標,十餘年來各大學皆廣泛推廣,然成效如何,各方說法不一,大學教育的目的是培育有理想性格,具有開創能力,富人文素養的整合人格者,但是專科教育的目標,根據中華民國憲法第一五八條之規定,以教授應用科學與技術,養成實用專業人才為宗旨,因此專科學校之課程偏向職業技術的訓練,缺乏「人文」的素養。 專科學校是高職與科技學院中繼,專一至專三大部分課程架構,需統整高中、高職,以利學生相互轉學,所以融入部分高中課程,又加入專業技能的科目,而導至課程擁擠不堪。專科生畢業後升學比率極高,選課大部分偏向要考試的科目,選通識科目只是應付學分,因此在專科學校開設通識科目,成效不彰。但是即將進入21世紀的教育,如仍以舊有模式,缺乏整體性,前瞻性的規劃,必無法培育適應21世紀資訊的時代,開設通識課程,更具有重大意義,能藉著通識教育的陶冶,希望培養一個健全「人格」的職業人,本文主旨在探討通識教育的理念,了解日本、德國的通識教育的模式,進而對專科學校通識教育的課程規劃,以達成通識教育的目標。


通識教育 教育目標


the Taiwan University practiced 「Social science concept」 and 「art admirality」 two of the general education courses in 1983. Educational department of Taiwan R.O.C announced 「The university general education select elective courses practice」 in 1984. To put the general education into the development object of the university. Many universities promote it, but the effect is not good. The educational purpose of the university is to raise a man having rational character, creativity, and rish culture. but the colledge is not, it teaches and guides the applied science and skills to raise a professional talent. The courses lean to vocational training in short of the culture. A junior college is a middle step between the high vocational school and an institute of technology. The larger half courses must integrate high school and high vocational school to transfer each other that making the courses crowded. When the students were graduated, They advanced to the university or an institute of technology. So selecting the general educational courses just only act in a perfunctory manner. But the education of 21th century must have a macroscopic idea and planning. General education can raise a flawless character professional person. This paper takes the view that it explored general educational ideas and understood the models of Japan and Germany to accomplish general educational object.
