  • 期刊


A Study on the Poet Lin Xiu Er and His Literary Works Written during Japanese Colonization in Taiwan


登上世界文學舞臺的台灣文學,近年頻頻出土日政時期被埋沒的文人及其作品,台南麻豆的林修二新詩集,就是一例。不得已使用日文寫作,而又罹病的林修二,在先俊僅十年的短命的創作生涯中,已為台灣新文學增添不同的色彩。他的新詩為台灣人在被殖民的歲月中發出。 本諭文由林永修(筆名林修二)的文學生涯談起,細述林修二求學和創作的成長過程。再將所有能考察創作時間的詩文作品加以繫年,以作為本論文研析其作品的時間基礎。然俊又探討林氏寫作淵源;他雖然無可避免的受到日本以及其他外國文學的影警與啟發,但是仍是屬于天才型的詩人。 諭文的主要內容,在探討林氏新詩的主題,以五節的篇幅對他的孤獨感、鄉愁,以及夢等等,舉詩作加以分析欣賞,呈現林氏詩創作的總成就與貢獻;這是以前的研究者尚未涉及的領域。 文末依時代先述列述自來學者、專家對林氏詩的評諭,他們都給予相當高的評價。在作結語之俊,亦可惜其短命;天若多假年,其成就將不止於此。


林修二 風車詩社


Lin Xiu Er's new poetry is one of Taiwanese literature written during Japanese colonization in Taiwan and once neglected which have been published frequently. With the colonial context, all his literary works were written in Japanese. Lin Xiu Er suffering from illness has brought various views to Taiwan New Literature in his short 10-year writing career. His works reveal Taiwanese People's mind during that period. This paper will begin at reviewing Lin Yong Xiu's (Lin Xiu Er) literary career, detailing stories of his school life and his creative process. All his works are studied chronologically in this paper. And the background they were written in will be one part of my discussion. Although he was inevitably influenced and inspired by Japanese and other foreign literature, Lin Xiu Er is regarded as a genius for creating poetry. The main content of this paper is to discuss the themes of his new poetry. It will also lead readers to appreciate his loneliness, nostalgia, and dreams through reading some of his poems as illustrative examples. This study is certainly showing his great achievement and contribution to creative writing in poetry and has never been touched by earlier researchers. At the end is a chronologic list of scholars and experts who all give highly positive comments on his poetry. We deeply sorrow over his short life; otherwise we believe his achievement would be much greater.
