  • 期刊


Song Xiao Zhong and His Prime Minister Wang Huai


宋孝宗為南宋第二代君主,也是南宋諸帝中表現最為出色的一個。由於在皇子期間,儒學思想與為君之道的洗禮下,他的性格作風、政治作為及言論思想,均有許多可稱之處,稱得上是[賢明之君],南宋諸帝無出其右,甚至比起北宋太祖、仁宗等人也不遑多讓。只是生不逢長,在位時為盡孝思,處處遷就太上皇(高宗),而難以完全施展抱負。只能在高宗所形塑的框架之下,作出有限度的努力。即位之初,起用張浚銳意北伐,湔雪前恥,無奈符離之戰鍛羽而歸,此後雖不輕言[恢復],但迄未一刻或忘,從其諸多言行記錄中可知。歷來已有不少論文、專書討論,本文就尚有未論及的部分,此加以補充,包括其作為中的弱點與缺失,以呈現孝宗更完整的一面。 王淮(字季海)是孝宗後期的宰相,於淳熙二年(1175)九月晉任執政,淳熙八年(1181)八月拜相,至淳熙十王年(1188)五月罷左丞相,從執政到宰相長達十三年,在孝宗朝可謂異數。有濫于高宗時秦檜專政十九年,故孝宗朝的宰相均不久于任,而獨王淮拜相達六年餘,何以如此?余英時先生在《朱熹的歷史世界》裏提出解釋,王淮受到重用系出於高宗的提拔,他的拜相又因為孝宗的國家政策從積極轉趨保守。而淮之下臺,則是在高宗死後,孝宗重新企圖[恢復],王淮的保守政策無法滿足孝宗的需求。餘書中有相當篇幅討論,然整部著作系以朱熹為論述核心,有關王淮的部分,大都側重在其對於朱熹及道學派的對立與打擊行動,對其相關作為,多從反面色度觀察立論。指出認為王淮拜相多年,施政的重心以保持政局[安靜]為名,因循苟且,無所作為,故指為[失政],批判頗為嚴厲然就王淮生平文獻所見,所曆職務事蹟並非[尸位素餐]之人,有其一定的貢獻應予以較為平衡的敍述與評論,不須一概抺殺,筆者認為有必要提出討論。 本文以孝宗的人格作風思想作為,稍加評述,兼及優缺。並王淮生平經歷、任相政績、君臣互動為兩大主軸,加以分析研究,亦涉及當時政局變化。


宋孝宗 王淮


Song Xiao Zhong was the second emperor of Southern Song and he was also the most outstanding emperor among all Southern Song’s emperors. Due to the baptism of Confucianism and sovereign doctrine he received when he was a prince, he can be regarded as a judicious emperor for many of his praiseworthy points on terms of characteristics, personal style and political behavior, as well as his words and thoughts. No other emperors of Southern Song exceeded him. Even compared with Tai Zu and Ren Zhong of Northern Song, he was also by no means inferior. However, he was unlucky to be born at such a time and tried to be loyal to filial piety on the throne. He indulged the former emperor (Gao Zhong) all the time and failed to give full play to his ambitions. He could only make his limited efforts within the frame set by Gao Zhong. In the early stage of enthronement, he appointed Zhang Jun to start on the northern expedition to avenge the former humiliation, but failed in the war of Fuli. Although he did not easily say “recovery” later, he at no time forgot this event, which can be reflected in many records about his words and behaviors. There are lots of disquisitions in history to explore this theme. This paper hereby supplements what has not been discussed, including his weak points and shortcomings in his behaviors to reveal a more complete aspect of Xiao Zhong. Wang Huai (his alias was Ji Hai) was the prime minister in the later stage of Xiao Zhong. He took office in September of the second year of Chun Xi (1175) and became the prime minister in August of the eighth year of Chun Xi (1181). Then he was demoted as the left prime minister in May of the fifteenth year of Chun Xi (1188). It is rare in Xiao Zhong dynasty that it had been almost fourteen years since he took office to the time that he became the prime minister. Because of Chin Gui’s despotism for nineteen years during Gao Zhong period, prime ministers during Xiao Zhong period did not take a long time. While Wang Huai held the post of prime minister for six years. Why? Mr. Yu Yingshi explained in The History of Zhu Xi that Wang Huai was put in an important position because he was elevated by Gao Zhong. The reason why he took the post of prime minister was that the state policy of Xiao Zhong was turned from active to conservative, while he quitted after the death of Gao Zhong and Xiao Zhong tried to “recover” again. The conservative policy of Wang Huai failed to meet the demands of Xiao Zhong. He took a long discussion in his book. However, the whole works took Zhu Xi as the theme. As to the discussion about Wang Huai, he paid attention to Wang Huai’s opposition and strikes to Zhu Xi and his Taoism school. As to his behaviors, he almost discussed at a negative angle and pointed out that during Wang Huai held the post of prime minister for years, his administration focused on keeping the political situation “peaceful”. He fiercely criticized and regarded him as “failure in politics” because of his conformism and non-achievement. However, in other history literatures about Wang Huai, he was not a man who “holds down his job without doing a stroke of work”; instead, he had made certain contributions. We should discuss him equally without complete obliteration. I think it is necessary to put forward a discussion. This paper discusses about Xiao Zhong’s personality, style, thoughts and behaviors, giving attention to both of his strong points and weak points. It holds the life experience of Wang Huai, his political contributions as the prime minister and the inter-effect between the emperor and prime minister as two principal axes to start analysis and research, and involves in the changes of political situation at that time.


Song Xiao Zhong Wang Huai



