

本研究的目的乃在探討齒齲退縮的發生率及分怖,同時也探討齒齦退縮時所伴隨之臨床病因,進而對這些病因採取適當的預防與改善措施。本研究共收集292名受檢人的相關資料,依年齡 與簡化口腔衛生指數,分為五個年齡群和3個口腔衛生群。本研究結果顯示以下結論: 1.齒齦退縮造成頸部牙根裸露(cervical root exposure) 的情形於不同的年齡群中呈隨年齡增加而變大的趨勢。 2.頸部牙根棵露於頰側面較常出現於下頜中門齒,然後依次為上 頜中門齒和上頜第一中門齒。而舌側面則較常出現於下頜中門齒,其次為上頜第一小臼齒和上頜中門齒。 3.牙齒磨耗(abrasion)的情形較常見於下頷第一小臼齒,其次為上頜第一小臼齒和上頜犬齒。4.本研究中喪失牙齒的情形,以上下頜臼齒佔較大部份,其次為上頜第一小臼齒和下頜第二小臼齒。5.齒齦退縮所伴隨的臨床因素以發炎和刷牙損傷佔最大比例。6.齒齦退縮所伴隨之臨床合併因素乃以刷牙損傷伴有發炎存在的情形佔最多數。其次為齒列不正伴有發炎存在。7.口腔衛生不佳的人,其牙根裸露的現象較為嚴重;然口腔衛生良好的人,其發生牙齒磨耗的情形,往往較口腔衛生不佳的人來得嚴重。8.齒齦退縮所造成的牙根裸露。於男女之間具有統計學上的差異。男性發生牙根裸露的情形較女性為大。9.男性發生牙齒磨耗的情形,通常較女性來得嚴重。10.本研究無法證實矯正、咬合損傷、牙齒位置不正、高繫帶附著和修復補綴物等因素,對造成齒齦退縮時所扮的單獨角色。




The study investigated the incidence and distribution of gingival recession, and other accompanied clinical data in attempt to find a proper prevention method and to alleviate the clinical condition. Data of 292 individuals were collected and classified into five age groups and three oral hygiene groups. Our results showed the following conclusions: 1. Cervical root exposure increased in both frequency and linear dimension with age. 2. Gingival recession was found frequently on the buccal surface of lower central incisors, upper central incisors and upper first bicuspids, and on the lingual surface of lower central incisors, upper first bicuspids and upper cuspids. 3. Tooth abrasion was more frequently observed on the facial surfaces of the cuspid and bicuspid. 4. In this study, the missing of upper and lower molars is the major case followed by upper first bicuspid and lower second bicuspid 5. The most important single cause of gingival fecession seems to be inflammation followed by faulty toothbrushing and tooth malposition. 6. Toothbrush trauma with inflammation and malpositioned teeth were found to be the most frequent clinical combined factors associated with gingival recession. 7. Cervical root exposure is more severe In poor oral hygiene group whereas tooth abrasion is more frequent in good oral hygiene eroup. 8. There is a statistical difference of cervlcal foot exposure between males and females. The frequency of cervical root exposure is greater in males than 11 females 9. Tooth abrasion is more predominate in males than in females 10. It is impossible to identify that one of these factors such as orthodontics, occlusal trauma, mal positioned teeth, high frenum attachment and restorative factors played the single role in gingival recession
