  • 期刊

An Epidemiological Study of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Southen Taiwan




口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌為最常見的口腔惡性 腫瘤,約佔口腔惡性腫瘤之90%。從1975至 1984的十年間,在高雄醫學院附設中和紀念醫 院病理科的檔案中,查出已經病理器斷確定為 口腔惡性腫瘤的病例有418例,其中有348 例 為口腔鱗狀上皮細胞癌,約佔83.8%。此類病 人的年齡由15歲到97歲都有,但以40歲到79歲間罹患比率最高,約有86.5%平均年齡為 55.4歲。男性的罹患率又比女性高出很多,男 女之比約為4.5: 1。發生的位置以舌部最多約佔37.6%,其次為頰粘膜的24.7%,上下頭之牙鱗佔22.1%, 10.6%發生在(月咢)部,少數發生在 口底粘膜及唇部。 在所有的348例當中,僅有167例有完整 的生活習性記載,所以在可能之相關致病因素,僅以此167例來探討分析。在這些病例當中有嚼食檳榔的習慣者有144例佔86.2% ,有抽煙 習慣者有81例佔48.5 % .有飲酒習慣者較少, 大部分僅是在社交應酬時才偶而飲用,故其所 佔比例較低,僅31例,佔18.9%。此種比例明 顯地顯示出嚼食檳榔與罹患口腔癌之關係不可掉以輕心。




Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common malignant tumor of the oral cavity, it accounts for about 90% of reported malignant orallesions. In this review of 418 cases of oral cancer, 348 (83.8%) cases of oral squamous cell carcinomas were confirmed by histopathological examination year period from 1975 to 1984 at Kaohsiung Medical College Hospital. The age of the pa tien ts ranged from 15 to 97 years, with the greatest incidence of ages (86.5%) between 40 and 79 years with a mean of 55.4 yearsof age.There was also a relatively high frequency of occurrence of lesions in males a.s. contrasted to females eM: f = 4.5 : 1): Of the total 348 cases of squamous cell carcinoma studied, 37.6% were located on the tongue, 24.7% on the buccal mucosa, 22.1% on the gingiva, 10.6% on the palate, 2.6% on the floor of the mouth and 2.3% on the lips. An analysis of the data also showed a definite trend of carcinoma development in patients with betel nut chewing habits. Of 167 cases with detailed information about their culture habits, 86.2% were found to be betel nut chewer, 48.5% were tobacco smokers and 18.6% were alcohol drinkers. Although no conclusions may be drawn from the current data, it appears suggestive that betel nut chewing may be of significance in the etiology of some cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma in Taiwan.
