  • 期刊


Respiratory Care Experience of Pneumonectomy and Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Cases




This has been a case for the implementation of pneumonectomy and combined with the exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. RV/TLC ratio increases and flow limit by COPD will cause air trapping and over-inflated to the remaining lung. When the situation is getting worse, mismatch of ventilation and perfusion also becomes deleterious.It is thought in the home care of one-lung ventilation with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cases, techniques of relaxation and autogenic drainage with forced expiratory techniques help to remove deep sputum. Tracheotomy patients can use speaking valve for interaction with their families, and swallow training to reduce aspiration pneumonia. On the other hand, cooperated with the home environment and equipment, design simple and repeated limb excise to increase muscle endurance, and proper function of heart and lung can help for respiratory health and to prevent mucus accumulation. If the disease is in acute progression, ventilator pressure control ventilation can be set to protect; lower tidal volume and positive end expiratory pressure can be applied to avoid lung injury caused by mechanical ventilation. Also reduce of inspiration time combine with use of expiratory trigger sensitivity, extend exhaled time to improve unsynchronized problem between ventilator and patients, and to reduce the retention of lung and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease caused by air trapping and hyperinflation.The pulmonary rehabilitation is required at home and in the acute phase to improve the quality of life. Also, cooperation between Severe and long-term care by the various stages of respiratory therapy treatment is going to provide complete care to the COPD cases.
