  • 期刊


A Study on Wax Apple Operators' Business Environment and Business Strategy Effect Business Performance- A Case of Kaohsiung and Pingtung Areas


本研究依研究動機與目的,以高屏地區蓮霧經營者為受訪對象,並以問卷調查方式與SPSS 12.0及AMOS 18.0統計軟體進行實證分析。以結構方程模式驗證經營環境及經營策略影響經營績效之適合度與其潛在變數問之關係。研究結果顯示,本研究建構之經營環境及經營策略影響經營績效研究,可用來解釋與預測高屏地區蓮霧經營者之經營環境、經營策略及經營績效等三構面間之直接與間接效果之交互影響關係。而且分別透過其主要關鍵因素以影響彼此間之正向相關程度,以經營環境對經營策略構面的影響最高。本研究依據研究發現進一步提出可能的行銷管理意涵,並提出具體可行之建議供蓮霧經營者及政府相關輔導單位在規劃與執行上之參考。


The study is in accordance with the research motivation and objectives, Kaohsiung City and Pingtung County's wax apple operators are being interviewed as subject of consideration, also by question papers inquiring way with SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 18.0 statistical software to precede the investigation analysis. Within this, the study used the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique to test and investigate the fitness of business environment affect business strategy with business performance model and with its potential theory variably affect relation.The results showed that, in this study, we established for the business environment affecting business strategy and business performance model, they can be used to explain and predict the wax apple operator of Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas who have the business environment, for business strategy and business performance, among the three dimensions of the interaction of the direct and indirect effect of these 3forms of dimension influences its interaction. And take part thru its main key factors which affect the positive correlation degree. The business environment as to flourishing business strategy constructed form influence most. Finally, according to the findings of this study, it further put forth the possible implications of marketing management and to present concrete feasible suggestions for the Wax apple operator of Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas and relevant government guidance in the planning and implementation unit of references.


行政院農業委員會蓮霧館,2010。取自 http://kmweb.coa.gov.tw/subject/ct.asp
