  • 期刊

ISO 9000品質管理系統導入學校行政應用之學生滿意度調查研究以中華技術學院為例

A Research of the Student Customer Satisfaction Survey on the Introduction of ISO 9000 Quality Management System into School Administration Conducted by the China Institute of Technology



ISO 9000 品質管理系統已廣泛為企業界引進為建構高品質管理及提高企業形象之有效制度;國內已有多所大專院校將品質管理系統導入學校行政運作中。中華技術學院在顧問公司的輔導之下,以不到半年的時間,通過ISO 9001:2000的認證。在ISO品質管理系統運作一年後,首度實施各單位行政滿意度調研究,藉由問卷瞭解學生對於學校行政人員的服務品質及提供服務的行政效率之滿意度。經統計分析結果獲致以下主要研究發現:一、整體而言,學生對於教務處及學務處服務品質的滿意度具有積極正面的態度。二、學生滿意度較低的項目如學校餐廳衛生的督導、學校飲水機的維護、校園環境及大樓的整潔、學校餐廳服務的管理及廁所的環境清潔等,主要是與學生日常生活有關的問題。三、學生的滿意度因性別、學制、部別及年級的不同而有所差異。


The ISO 9000 quality management system has been acknowledged by many business to pursue high quality and enhance corporation image. Many colleges and universities in Taiwan have implanted ISO Quality Management System into school administration. The China Institute of Technology, therefore, has passed the ISO 9001:2000 certification in the year 2001. After one year of ISO operating, the customer satisfaction survey of students has revealed that: 1.Students are highly satisfied with the services of Academic Office and Student Office. 2.Certain services that rated low, such as supervision of restaurant sanitation, maintenance of water machine, campus environment and cleanness of school buildings, are mainly related to students’ daily life. 3.Significant differences between genders, divisions and grades are observed in ANOVA and T-Test analysis.
