  • 期刊


Discussing the Influence of Water Resource Usage of Taipei Elementary School in Different Rainfall Properties Region



台灣島國四面環海,雖雨量豐富卻因山脈阻擋、流域短急,而使雨水於大地蓄留利用率減低,近年更隨著地球環境變遷,逢缺雨季即遭分區限水之苦,其中更以台北都會區因人口稠密、需水量大,現象反映為最;然,台灣人民對於用水,一直不懂節約,政府多年來亦未即時教育民眾珍惜用水,普遍浪廢已是國際不爭事實。 台灣自西元2000年推動綠建築策略,並以「水資源指標」制定節水設施量,次於2003年修項量化之「替代性水資源設計」,資料顯示以台灣地理分區為基礎,然,僅以單一降雨資料作為台北區自來水替代量參考,無法反應台北盆地因地型變化特殊而影響之降雨差異;進而對設計替代率的影響甚鉅。 本研究以台北市國小校園固定而龎大的需水量為探討對象,分析校園需水影響因子,並以中央氣象局於區內設置之十五座測候站統計歷年降雨,提出台北市小區域降雨型態對應校地面積之供水量差異,研究配合校園人數用水量分析,說明台北市國小校園對雨水利用之供應面與需求面交叉之影響特性,以期提供未來學校進行相關設施之規劃參考。


As an island country, Taiwan is surrounded by water and has a lot of rain. However, the tall mountains and short rivers decrease the storage utilization of land. Moreover, recent globe climate changes make more damage in the lack of water, especially in Taipei, where is dense population and grown-up water demand. Nevertheless, the people in Taiwan keep ignoring the importance of economizing on water and the government didn’t educate people to cherish water on time. It makes general extravagant in using water. In 2000, Taiwan starts to implement Green Building Promote Project from construct industry. The Water Resource Norm of the project encourages builders to set up the water resource replacement and coerces to adopt a specific percentage of water-saving facilities. Further, in 2003, according to Taiwan geographic location regions, it asks a certain amount of water resource replacement design. However in Taipei City, because of the basin landform, the climate changes in short distance. It affects the amount of the rainwater that can be use in different region. Thus, it is necessary to discuss the regional rainwater demand and supply. This paper mainly discusses about the effect of huge amount and rigid water demand of campus in different zone of Taipei City. By analyzing 137 elementary schools of Taipei City, fining out water demand factors, corresponding to rainfall records over the years of 15 climate stations of Taipei City setting by Central Weather Bureau, providing the rainfall properties diversity of small region in Taipei City, and precipitating the replace rainwater demand by regression, the research hopes it can provide consult to initial plan of school in the future.


