  • 期刊


The Geoinformatics Service on the Internet



空間資訊服務為建構於網際網路中的空間資料使用服務,具有分散式環境之特性,以網路服務介面提供網際網路使用者一個通用的交談機制。如同WebGIS與其他資訊系統一般,空間資訊服務在網際網路蓬勃發展的過程當中面臨的問題不在於資料的成功傳輸,而是使用者或應用系統如何透過單一平台使用分布於網際網路中的各類空間服務,以作為後續決策輔助之用,這個問題的根本解決之道在於該平台必須具有: (一)使用分佈於網際網路上龐大資料架構及資訊服務之能力 (二)動態地挑選出符合使用者需求之資訊服務之能力 網際網路技術不斷進步,網路服務及服務導向架構提供基本的服務整合平台,然而各空間資訊服務中之空間資料仍具異質性,且各資訊服務間之溝通介面不一,造成彼此之間交談的困難。本研究提出一套開放式空間服務框架,藉由三層式網路服務架構的設計,搭配基於XML之標準資料格式與ISO TC211地理資訊委員會制定之ISO19100系列標準,發展空間資訊服務框架,建構出使用者及網際網路上空間資訊服務之溝通介面。此框架使得空間資訊服務之異質性地理資料仍可透過標準資訊服務在框架中形成一個空間服務整合平台,使用者能於此平台上進行交互操作。


Location Service, a type of internet-based service that provides spatial information to users in accordance with their locations, characterizes its distributed environment with Web Service architecture based on general-purpose message exchanging mechanism. For most Web-based GIS, the key focus nowadays is no longer the successful transfer of physical spatial data via the rapid developed internet environment, but rather the issue of how systems can determine and provide appropriate spatial information for decision-making among heterogeneous data resources through a single platform like Portal. To ultimately resolve this problem, the platform must have (1) the ability to accommodate heterogeneous spatial data from distributed environment and (2) the ability to dynamically select information based on user's requirements. Although the technology of web service and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) can already serve as the foundation of fundamental Service Integration Platform (SIP), the integration of spatial information acquired from different organizations remains difficult, mainly because of the heterogeneity in data format as well as the lack of consensus communication interface. A three-tier Open Location Service Framework based on Current Open Geo-Spatial Consortium (OGC) and International Standards Organization (ISO) 19110 series of standards is proposed in this thesis to clarify the corresponding communication between service interfaces and the open exchange format of geospatial data. The implementation of the proposed framework allows the creation of an integrated platform to handle heterogeneous geospatial data and improve their interoperability thru standardized web service.


