  • 期刊


IETF GEOPRIV Protocol and Service Technology


在邁向All IP寬頻網路環境中,加值應用服務的推動將是帶動整個通訊產業蓬勃發展一個重要的因素,因此提供包含聲音、影像及資料,甚至涵蓋娛樂、社群以及具地理位置資訊特色的多樣化Multi-Play應用服務將會是發展重點。尤其是結合地圖資訊的地理位置資訊技術與相關應用服務越來越受重視。IETF GEOPRIV工作小組在制定地理位置服務技術時,採用SIP/SIMPLE作為該服務標準化的架構與運作模型,以規範出整體服務的地理位置資訊傳輸協定、資料格式與隱私權設定之依循標準。本文即針對IETF所規範架構於線上狀態基準(presence-based)的地理位置服務技術作一介紹,並對其相關應用服務加以說明。


In a coming All-IP broadband network era, value-added services are the key factor for boosting the communications industry. Providing various Multi-Play Services with voice, video, data plus applications in entertainment, community communication and location-based information will be considered as the mains fream for further development. Especially, the location-based information technology associated with map information has won more and more attention. IETF GEOPRIV Working Group is working on geographic location service technology based on SIP/SIMPLE service architecture and operational model, specifying the geographic location transmission protocol, data format and privacy rule configuration as standard. This article introduces the location relevant technologies and services based on the IETF Presence-based Geographic Location and Privacy.
