  • 期刊


The Examination of Healthcare Needs and Barriers of People with Intellectual Disability: An Exploratory Study Based on Normative Perspective


智障人口群有特殊疾病較高的盛行率,但他們往往被忽略及未能有效治療;本研究主要目的乃以專家之觀點探討智能障礙者之醫療需求與就醫困難,以評估智能障礙者之醫療需求概況。本研究採以立意取樣針對9名醫療與智能障礙領域專家進行質性深度訪談,探討專家對於智能障礙者相關醫療需求之態度與信念,主要之評估面向包括智能障礙者的醫療照顧及復健需求為何? 智能障礙者在利用醫療照護體之主要困難為何等。結果顯示,專家們並遍認為必須透過定期健康檢查來篩檢與發掘智能者的健康問題,健全醫療資源分布與復逼人才與完善設備是其主要醫療需求;主要的就醫障礙包括智障者溝通上之限制造成診斷效果不彰,智能障礙者自我用藥及門診追蹤治療概念缺乏,以及醫療人員負面態度以致於他們就醫困難度增加。醫療照護體系應明瞭智能障礙者之先天性限制與其醫療需求,妥善設計醫療照護服務,以降低其就醫障礙。




The healthcare needs and problems of people who are intellectual disability (ID) have received limited attention in health care system in Taiwan, and have been largely overlooked in the current health policy debate. The purpose of this study is identify the healthcare needs of people with ID based on the normative perspective. In-depth interviews were conducted for 9 key professionals in the field of ID in this study. The interview questions were open-ended and interviewing guide was designed to encourage participants to share their experiences of working with and caring for people with ID. The interview questions covered two themes as follows:(1) What are the healthcare needs of people with ID? (2) What are the barriers regarding the healthcare services of people with ID and why? The research findings showed that the physical examination and oral health check-up were the first priority of their healthcare needs. Even distribution of healthcare resource and rehabilitation manpower needs to be reoriented. With regard to the healthcare barriers, the limitations of communication skills as well as a lack of self-regularity of people with ID, and the negative attitude of healthcare professionals were often caused the healthcare services inaccessibility and unavailability. The study suggests that professional training and access to healthcare services need to be improved to this gropu, the healthcare system should be particularly reoriented based on the healthcare needs of people with ID.


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