

32歲男性因石顳疼痛、視野缺損、眼球運動受限無法上視、眼球突出等情形,而至成大醫院求診。磁振造影及超音波掃瞄顯示一3 x 2 x 2 cm血管瘤位於右眼窩內。後由耳鼻喉科與眼科醫師,經上頜竇鑿開術(Caldwell-Luc operation),將三分之二的眼窩底骨片去除,再合併上眶切開術(inferior orbitotomy)進入後眼窩,將腫瘤往下推擠,而由上頜竇腔將之摘除。術後視力正常;於門診追蹤至今2年,無任何併發症及復發現象。


Capillary hemangioma is one of the most common tumors of the head and heck in infants but it occurs rarely in adults. The treatment of capillary hemangioma is by either a watchful waiting for its spontaneous regression, intralesional corticosteroid injection, or surgical intervention. Surgery is indicated when there is no evidence of regression of the tumor or the patient experiences a decreasing in visual acuity. We present a case of retrobulbar hemangioma. The patient was a 32-year-old man who complained of right temporal pain, impairment of his visual field, limitation of the upward gaze and proptosis of the right eye. Magnetic resonance imaging and sonography revealed a 3 x 2 x 2 cm tumor in the right retrobulbar space. The tumor was removed using a Caldwell-Luc operation combined with inferior orbitotomy. Since surgery, there have been no visual impairment, no surgical complication, and no sign of recurrence.


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