

背景:頭部外傷後的眩暈其病因及病程變異頗大,其中不乏致命的顱內出血,故鑑別診斷至為重要。 方法:自1991年12月至1997年8月,計42例頭部外傷後之眩暈病患,前來求診。年齡分佈在11至70歲之間,平均為43歲,男女比例相當。所有病人均接受詳細的病史詢問、理學檢查、神經學檢查、放射線檢查、血液生化檢查、聽力檢查、及眼振電圖檢查。 結果:顳骨骨折佔12%,良性陣發性位置性眩暈佔40%,顱內出血及震盪後症候群則各佔24%。後二者的眩暈皆在外傷後1週之內發生,其中,顱內出血之眩暈患者70%有聽力異常,40%視覺抑制測驗異常,40%具異常眼球運動;至於震盪後症候群,則聽力檢查正常。 結論:頭部外傷後的眩暈,可藉由臨床表徵、聽力檢查、及眼振電圖檢查來鑑別診斷顱內出血之有無,進而輔以影像學檢查以佐證之。


Background: Differentiating intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) from post-trau-matic vertigo is important, since the former can be life-threatening. How to detect ICH becomes a good task, we therefore carried out this study. Methods: From December 1991 through August 1998, 42 consecutive patients with post-traumatic vertigo were enrolled in this study. All patients received a batter of audiovestibular examinations, including audiometry, blood examinations, plain X-films, and electronystagmography. Magnetic resonance imaging is also performed if central lesion is suspected. Results: The diagnoses included: 1) intracranial hemorrhage (ICH): 10 cases (24%), 2) postconcussion syndrome (PCS): 10 cases (24%), 3) temporal bone fracture: 5 cases (12%), and 4) benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: 17 cases (40%). The intervals between head injury and vertigo onset aver-aged within 1 week, within 1 week, 1 month, and 6 years respectively. Loss of visual suppression, hearing impairment, and abnormal eye move-ment were significantly higher in the ICH group than the PCS group. Conclusions: We suggest that detecting the presence of hearing impair-ment, loss of visual suppression, and abnormal eye movement may help in the differential diagnosis between ICH and PCS.

