

舌部骨瘤(lingual osteoma)是很少見的腫瘤,一般好發於20到40歲女性。自從Monserrat 1913年首度報告至今,全世界僅有60多例病例報告。本科於1998年經驗兩病例,分別為22歲及25歲男性,主訴均為喉嚨有異物感。理學檢查發現舌根有隆起的淡紅色小腫塊。兩例皆以手術切除,病理報告均為舌部骨瘤。術後喉嚨異物感即消失,門診追蹤6個月,皆無復發現象。(中耳醫誌 1999;34:493-496)




An osteoma is a benign growth of the bone. However, an extraosseous osteoma in the tongue is rare. Less than 70 cases have been reported in the English literature. It occurs most commonly in females in the third and fourth decades of life. We had two patients, a 22-year-old man and a 25-year-old man, who suffered from a foreign body sensation in the throat for several months. Physical examination revealed a protruding mass at the posterior part of the tongue. After excisional biopsy, the histoPathological reports revealed that both were lingual osteomas. The patients symptoms resolved after surgery. No recurrence has been found after 6 months.


osteoma tongue


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