  • 期刊


Mondini Dysplasia with Recurrent Meningitis - Case Report


先天性內耳發育不良在組織病理上主要分為4種類型,而mondini氏症則是臨床上較易診斷出的類型,同時有骨質及膜性迷路的發育缺髓損。其伴隨的廔管以證骨足版缺損及圓窗廔管最常見。臨床症狀除常有患耳嚴重感音性聽力障礙外,亦常伴有中耳積液及復發性腦膜炎,本院耳鼻喉科經歷1例mondono氏內耳發育不良併腦脊髓液耳漏男童,反覆發生7次腦膜炎,且接受2次經中耳修補手術,術中同時發現合併有證骨足版及卵圓窗廔管之病例報告。(中耳醫誌 2000: 35:255-258)


OF the four histopathological types of congenital inner car dysplasia, the Mondini type, with its bony and membraneous labyrinth dysplasia, is the easiest to diagnose clinically with defects of the stapes footplate and window frequently observed. In addition to severe sensory hearing loss in the affected ear, complications including middle ear effu-sion and recurrent meningitis are common. The present report describes a 10-year-old child with Mondini dysplasia experiencing cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea. The patient had seven episodes of meningitis before undergoing two trans-middle ear surgical repair procedures over twelve months. A fistula of the stapes footplate and oval window were found during surgery. Temporal fascia and muscle were inserted into the vestibule to block leakage of the fistula. The patient recovered well post-operatively with no middle ear effkusion or meningitis.
