  • 期刊


Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia – Case Report


血管性類淋巴增生合併嗜伊紅血球增多(angiolymphoid hyperplasia eosinophilia, ALHE) 乃一罕見之良性血管性病變,好發於頭頸部之皮膚下組織。ALHE較常見於西方中年女性,其組織切片有微血管增生及慢性發炎細胞侵潤現象,其中以嗜伊紅血球及肥大細胞為主。此病變的復發率極高。本病例報告為1名54歲女性病患,病人發現其又耳前一突起之皮下腫塊若干月,此腫塊有漸漸種大的趨勢且紅腫發癢。理學檢查示一1*1 cm 之輪廓分明、有彈性、可移動、但無疼痛感之右耳前皮下腫塊,與周圍之組織沒有沾黏的表現。腫塊經手術切除後傷口恢復良好,術後一年半並無復發跡象。此病例報告表現了ALHE的臨床及病理特徵,雖屬罕見,仍可列為頭頸部良性腫瘤之 鑑別診斷。


Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia is a rare benign proliferative lesion with a predilection for the slin and sudcutaneous tissues of the head and neck region. It typi-cally affects middle-aged femaled in their third and fourth decade, and has a high recur-rence rate. Eosinophilia can occur and the condition may mimic neoplasia. We present a case that illustrates many of the salient features of this disease. A 54-year-old woman presented at our outpatient department with a progressivly enlarging right preauricular lesion of 1*1 cm in size. Thesubcutaneous tumor was pruritic, well-defined and elastic in nature. Surgical excision of the lesion was performed under local anesthesia without complication. Over eighteen months of follow-up no evidence of local recurrence was found. On histological examintion both the yascular and inflammatory features of this condition were seen. There was exuberant proliferation of capillary vessels, and the endothelial cells lining the capillary vessels were plump, giving a cobblestone appear-ance. The inflammatory components showed heavy infiltration of chronic inflammtory cells with an excess of eosinophils and mast cells. In this article, we also provide a brief review of the literature and differentiate this disease from Kimura’s disease.
