  • 期刊


Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia - Case Report


血管淋巴增生併嗜伊紅血球增生症(angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia),是一種好發於頭頸部皮膚或皮下結締組織的罕見、良性、局部增生性疾病。由於臨床上相當罕見,因此常被誤認為Kimura氏症,甚至被誤認為惡性腫瘤。尤其當患者有頭頸部腫塊,病理組織發現有厚壁血管增生、廣泛性淋巴球與嗜伊紅血球浸潤時,就必須考慮此病。必要時可實施免疫組織化學染色來進一步確認診斷,並排除惡性淋巴瘤之可能。如此才能使患者得到最正確的診斷並免除許多不必要的檢查與治療。


Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia which is apparently a benign and locally proliferating lesion occurs predominantly in the head and neck region. However, it is rare clinically so it is often misdiagnosed as Kimura’s disease or a malignant disease. We report on an 86-year-old man with ALHE. The diagnosis was made by clinical features of head or neck masses, skin rashes, normal IgE, and typical histopathologic find-ings of thick-walled blood vessel hyperplasia, marked lymphocytes and eosinophil infil-tration with missing lymphoid follicles and active germinal centers. Differential diagnosis of ALHE is important to rule out the Kimura’s disease and malign-nant lymphoma. Clinically, a diagnosis of ALHE should be considered if a patient has head or neck masses, and histopathological findings of thick-walled blood vessel hyper-plasia, marked lymphocytes, and eosinophil infiltration. This should be confirmed with immunohistochemical methods to avoid unnecessary intensive examinations and treat-ments.
