  • 期刊


Chondrosarcoma of the Sphenoid Sinus - Case Report


副鼻竇之軟骨肉瘤是相當罕見的病例,相對於鱗狀細胞癌期臨床表現就不具有侵襲性。本科於1996年3月,經歷1名58歲男性病患,主訴過去3個月左眼進行性外下視野缺損,偶爾會有輕微的頭痛位於枕骨處,但並無鼻塞及復視的現象 ,經電腦斷層檢查後發現為碟竇腫瘤且侵犯到碟鞍部。於是施予內視鏡廣泛切除手術,術候病理報告微軟股肉瘤,因此在追加放射線治療。追蹤迄今4年無復發現象。


Sarcomas of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses account for only seven to 28 percent of all head and neck sarcomas. Sarcomas most commonly involve sphenoethmoidal and laryngal tissues and are biologically slow-growing tumors. Sarcomas of the and neck have a high rate of local recurrence and much reduced risk of distant metastasis. Patients usually die of intracranial extension of uncontrolled local disease. We describe a case of chondrosarcoma involving the sphenoid sinus. The patient was initially treated will endoscopic surgery aimed at curative attempt since frozen sections during the opera-tion indicated that the lesion was benign. Final pathology identified chondrosarcoma and postoperative radiotherapy was employed for local control. There has been no evidence of recurrence in the four years following surgery. Although mainstay treatment for sarcoma of the nasal cavity is open surgery and postoperative radiotherapy, endoscopoic removal combined with postoperative radiotherapy may be an alternative treatment modality that avoids cosmetic injury in selected cases with small tumors and no involvement of vital tissues.
