  • 期刊


Effectiveness of Oral Steroid on Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss


背景:突發感音性聽障的治療由於原因未明迄今亦無定論。許多醫院採用住院給予數種藥物治療,常造成病患不便。本科過去以口服類固醇治療36名病人,今回顧對其療效作一探討。 方法:36名突發性耳聾病患於門診接受口服類固醇治療兩個星期,並持續追蹤4星期以上。然後加以統計比較治療前後之聽閾值,並分析年齡、眩暈及聽力圖型態對於預後之影響。 結果:男性20例,女性16例。治療前後平均聽閾值分為63.6 dB與37.9 dB,兩者有顯著差異(p=0.001)。聽力達顯著改善者(進步10dB以上)佔78.4%。45歲以下病患聽力恢復較佳(p=0.028),而眩暈之有無與聽力圖型態於本研究中則無明顯影響。 結論:單純以口服類固醇治療突然感音性聽障之病患,約8成聽力可達顯著改善,同時大大增加病患的便利性;且短期服用副作用少,費用低廉。對於不便住院接受治療之病患,是值得考慮的治療方式。


BACKROUND: The treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss is controversial due to the uncertainty of its etiology. In Taiwan, most of the patients were admitted and received intravenous medications. We used oral steroid in the outpatient department to treat the patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss. In this article, the effectiveness was analyzed. METHODS: Thirty-six patients who received oral steroid therapy to treat sudden sensorineural hearing loss were enrolled in this study from October 1999 to October 2001. All patients were followed up for at least 4 weeks. Pure tone threshold before and after treatment was analyzed. In addition, age, audiogram pattern, and vestibular symptoms were evaluated. RESULT: There was significant improvement of hearing after administration of oral-from steroid (p=0.001). Hearing improvement of more than 10 dB was noted in 78.4% of the patients. Age was significantly related to the recovery of hearing, but audiogram pattern and vestibular symptoms weren't. CONCLUSION: Oral steroid is effective for sudden sensorineural hearing loss and convenient to patients. For those patients who don't like to be hospitalized, it is an excellent alternative choice.
