  • 期刊


Exoploration Esoterica of "Book of Shaolin Martial Arts Cupreous Body" and DA-CHILY-SANN(DCS)


明末清初,鄭成功的部將為了反清復明,而結合南少林的醫藥武術,形成後來台灣的國術館,流傳台灣的《少林武功銅人簿》,建立在中醫陰陽五行、五運六氣、人形骨度的基礎上,分科論治處方,其中尤以「打傷科」最為民眾稱道。內服外用均有奇效。而書中用藥又極適合閩南之溼熱氣候,故流傳頗廣。目前全台中醫傷科診所所採用的外敷藥-「如意黃金散」即是源自此書的引用,「如意黃金散」功能消腫、止痛、活血、化瘀、接骨、續筋、袪風、除濕,而書中名方「大七厘散」(即是市面上的「十八銅人行氣散」),方中用麝香、牛黃、熊膽、琥珀、珍珠共五寶。「五寶」為中醫傷藥的聖品。尤其對內傷久鬱、腦震盪有奇效! 本文係作者焚香祈請得到「天上聖母」、「開台聖王」,以及祖師「金獅師」(「劉釗崑師」)、「朱聰明師」之三聖杯允許,首次公開四百年來少林寺秘傳「大七厘散」。


Late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, Zheng Chenggong's subordinates strived to revive Ming Dynasty. They combined shaolin Temple's martial arts and TCM for recovery, then they moved to Taiwan. The settle people in Taiwan developed Chinese martial arts clinic. ”Book of Shaolin martial arts cupreous body” widespread in Taiwan based on the Chinese medicine concept of yinyan wuhsing (陰陽五行)、wuyun luchi(五運六氣) and Chinese anatomy. The Chinese Orthopaedics and Traumatology was the most well-known department in Chinese Medicine in Taiwan. The traumatic external treatment (manipulation and dressings) of Chinese Orthopaedics and Traumatology were widely praised in Taiwan. The treatment of the book was very popular for suitable in the hot and humid southern climate in Taiwan. The most common used traumatic dressing-Ru-Yih-Jin-Huang-Sann (RYJHS) in TCM clinic in Taiwan was derived from this book. RYJHS can reduce swelling、anti-inflammation、promote the blood flow、promote the fracture healing、help the joint rehabilitation、remove common cold and expel dampness. Also in this book, Da-Chily-Sann (DCS, that is Eighteen Cupreous Body Sin-Qi-Sann). This prescription used musk、bezoar、bear bile、amber and pearl, so called the five treasures. The five treasures were the most efficient medication in traumafic field, especially for long-term internal injuries and brain concussion. The author worshiped before writing this article. The article was allowed to publish openly public by the Goddess of Sky Lady、God of Founding Sage of Taiwan、Founder of Lion Teacher(Teacher Liu Zhao Kun) and Teacher Zhu Congming. Then ”book of Shaolin martial arts cupreous body” and Da-Chily-Sann (DCS) could be first time introduced in these four hundred years.


