

攝護腺之病變,不論是臨床上可以用手指觸摸得到,或是觸摸不到者,均必須以組織切片病理檢查為診斷之依據。因此對於所有懷疑是攝護腺惡性病變之患者,均需接受攝護腺活動採樣檢查。21位臨床上摸到有攝護腺硬塊之病患,接受了經直腸攝護腺針刺活體採樣,我們使用傳統的穿刺針與新型有彈箕裝置的穿刺槍做比較。結果發現新型的穿刺槍在採樣時大大地減輕了病患疼痛的感覺,且所得到標本亦十分完整,足夠提供給病理診斷之使用。至於採樣前後之血壓與脈博的變化,以及血尿等併發症方面,兩者均無顯著之差異。(J Urol R.O.C., 1: 111-116, 1990)


The diagnosis of both the clinically palpable ad nonpalpable prostate lesions require tissue diagnosis accordingly. Biopsy is indicated in all patients with suspicious prostate malignancy. Twenty-one patients with hard prostate nodules received transrectal prostate biopsy with the new device---spring loaded gun, five of these patients received biopsy using the Vim-Silverman needle at the same time. The greatest advantage was that all of our patients felt less painful by using the spring loaded gun than by using the Vim-Silverman needle. Blood pressure and pulse rate had no changes after all of our biopsy procedures. No urosepsis occurred. However gross hematuria was noted in all except one of our patients. The specimens taken by the Vim-Silverman needle were larger than the spring loaded gun, but all the specimens were adequate for histopathological examination.
