  • 期刊

Long Term Followup of Vasculogenic Impotence Treated by Deep Dorsal Penile Vein Arterialization - Three Cases Report





Between January 1988 and December 1989, 50 cases underwent PIPE (Phamacologically Induced Penile Erection) test for the evaluation of erectile dysfunction. Among these patients, 33 cases were suspected of having vasculogenic etiology. However, only 3 patients were willing to proceed further workup, which included cavernosography in 3 cases and selective pudendal ar-teriography in 2 cases. Deep dorsal penile vein arterialization and ligation of proximal deep penile vein were performed in these 3 patients with mean follow-up of 8 years. Two patients have achieved potency and another one is able to achieve full erection by intracavernous pharmaco-therapy. One patient suffered from glans hyperemia and gangrenous change around meatus, which was cured by ligation of dorsal penile vein at distal end. Our results suggest that full erection can be restored by deep penile vein arterialization in well selected patients diagnosed with vasculogenic impotence. (J Urol R.O.C., 9:32-35,1998)
