  • 期刊

Phonatory Aerodynamic Analysis of Normal Adults in Taiwan



氣體動力學分析(aerodynamic analysis)是客觀評估音聲生理的一個重要方式,但是因為聲門下壓力(subglottal pressure)不易測量,所以國內迄今仍無一套完整資料可供參考。為了建立台灣地區正常成人的音聲氣體動力學數值,我們以14名成人為測試對象,包男性9名(24~32歲),女性5名(24~32歲),研究在持發母音 /o/ 之情況下的基本資料。測試方法是以環狀甲狀膜穿刺法測量聲門下壓力,並且同時記錄音聲的基本頻率(funda-mental frequency)、強度、發聲時間及氣流速度,另外由這些數值可求出聲門阻力(glottal resistance)及聲門效率(glottal efficiency)。結果顯示習常性發聲(habitual phonation)時的平均聲門下壓力為2.5~13.5 cm H2O,而平均氣流速度則為80~200 mL/sec。男性的基本頻率為121 ± 20.8 Hz,女性為224 ± 12.9 Hz;至於習常性發聲下的聲門阻力及聲門效率在男性分別為19.6~67.1 dyne sec/cm5, 1.4~8.5x10-4;而女性則為29.4~53.9 dyne sec/cm5, 0.6~1.7x10-4。此外我們發現聲門下壓力、平均氣流速度、及聲門效率均會隨著音量增大而增大。由此研究可知,雖然經環狀甲狀膜穿刺測量聲門下壓力較具侵襲性,但它仍是一安全可靠的方法,而完整的音聲氣體動力學數值可使我們對發聲機轉有更充分的了解。




Aerodynamic aspects of voice production have always drawn the attention of many otolaryngologists and speech scientists. Although vocal pitch, vocal intensity, and mean air flow rate of normal adults in Taiwan have been reported before, the subglottal pressure during phonation has not been investigated because it is difficult to measure. More complete aerodynamic parameters during sustanined phonation of the vowel /o/ of 14 normal adult subjects, 9 males and 5 females, were studied. The subglottal pressure was measured directly by cricothyroid membrane puncture; meanwhile, fundamental frequency, vocal intensity, phonation time and air flow rate were recorded simultaneously. The glottal resistance, the subglottal power, and the glottal efficiency of the phonation could be calculated from the data obtained above. The results showed that the range of the mean subglottal pressure during habitual phonation was 2.5 to 13.5 cm H2O and the mean air flow rate ranged from 80 mL /sec to 200 mL/ sec. The fundamental frequency was 121 ± 20.8 Hz in males and 224 ± 12.9 Hz in females. The glottal resistance and efficiency at habitual intensity and pitch were 19.6 to 67.1 dyne sec/cm5, 1.0 to 8.5x10-4 in the male subjects and 29.4 to 53.9 dyne sec/cm5, 0.6 to 1.7x10-4 in female subjects, respectively. We found that the subglottal pressure, mean air flow rate and the glottal efficiency were increased when the intensity was increased. It could be concluded that , as an invasive method, the direct measurement of subglottal pressure through cricothyroid membrane puncture was a safe and useful method. Simulatneous recording of these parameters provided valuable information on the overall vocal function of the larynx.
