

三軍總醫院耳鼻喉科部頭暈特別門診從1988年1月至1990年9月底止,求診共計1,389人次,病人總數895人,年齡分佈從8歲到85歲,平均48.6歲,其中男性435人,女性460人。診斷結果以頸性眩暈(cervical vertigo)最多佔21.68%,其次為姿態性眩暈(postural vertigo)18.66%,心因性頭暈症(psychogenic dizziness)18.21%,反覆性前庭病變(recurrent vestibulopathy)5.25%,梅尼爾氏症(Meniere’s disease)4.92%,血管性眩暈(vascular vertigo)4.69%,中樞性眩暈(central vertigo)0.22%,診斷未明者11.62%。個別疾病的平均年齡以血管性眩暈64歲最高,其次為頸性眩暈57歲及姿態性眩暈54歲,而心因性頭暈症的平均年齡35.4歲最低。本文並探討我們對頭暈症的診病原則。


頭暈 眩暈 頭暈門診


From January 1988 to September 1990, we experienced 895 patients visiting the dizziness clinic at TSGH. The age of the patients ranged from 8 to 85 years, with the mean of 48.6 year. The number of male patients was 435 and that of females was 460. Patients with cervical vertigo comprised 21.68% , followed by patients with postural vertigo 18.66 %. Psychogenic dizziness was the third frequent diagnosis and accounted for 18.21%. Patients with recurrents vestibulopathy were 5.25 %. Meniere’s disease accounted for 4.29 % diagnosis. Patients suffering from vascular vertigo consisted of 4.69 % and were older than other major cate-gories. Central vertigo was composed of only 0.22 %. Undiagnosed patients accounted for 11.62 %. Cervical vertigo and postural verigo occurred more frequently in old people. The patients with psychogenic dizziness were younger than other patients. We pointed out result, diagnostic crite-ria and logecal consideration.


dizziness vertigo dizziness clinic
