  • 期刊


Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Larynx - Case Report


腺樣囊性癌是好發於唾液腺或黏液腺的惡性腫瘤。喉部腺樣囊性癌約占喉惡性腫瘤0.25%,一般相信源於喉部黏液腺,其生長速度緩慢,但易局部復發及遠隔轉移。遠隔轉移常發生於肺、肝臟及骨骼。病理組織切片檢查,腫瘤細胞多呈典型的篩狀排列(cribriform pattern)。本院於民國81年11月經歷一女性喉部腺樣囊性癌的病例,病人接受全喉切除合併術後放射治療,至今無腫瘤復發現象。


腺樣囊性癌 喉部


Adenoid cystic carcinoma (cylindroma) is a well-recognized malignant neoplasm that is frequently encountered in the major salivary glands, lacrimal glands, and minor salivary glands, It seldom occurs in the larynx, accounting for less than 0.25% of all laryngeal carcinomas. It is characterized by symptoms of long duration, slow progressive growth with tendency of local recurrence, and eventual distant metastasis despite of aggressive treatment. Ten-year survival rate is suggested to replace the traditional five-year survival rate in evalua-tion of treatment result because of the slow growth rate and long latent time before recurrence of this tumor. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the larynx is believed to originate from mucous glands of the larynx. The typical pathologic picture is cribriform pattern . We report a case of 56 year-old female, who had adenoid cystic carcinoma of the larynx. She received total laryngec-tomy and post-operative radiotherapy in November 1992. Neither local recurrence nor distant metastasis has been found after treatment.


adenoid cystic carcinoma larnx
