  • 期刊


Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Nasal Septum - Case Report


多形性腺瘤為一常見之良性唾液腺腫瘤。然而在上呼吸道發生之機率則非常罕見,僅有少數病例曾經被報告過。Batsakis認為主要是發生在鼻腔,其次為鼻咽及上頜竇。根據Compagno及Wong於1977年所做40例鼻內多形性腺瘤統計,最好發的位置為鼻中隔。症狀依腫瘤大小不同而有程度上的差異,包括單側鼻塞、鼻漏等等。好發年齡為30-60歲,男女比例相近。病理上與腮腺多形性腺瘤大不相同,細胞化程度較高而黏液樣間質化程度較低,故其復發率較腮腺低。治療以切除為主,保守切除復發率約為10% 本科於1993年12月及1994年3月經歷2例鼻內多形性腺瘤之病人。年齡分別為35歲及49歲,均為男性。兩者主訴均為右側長期鼻塞。臨床及電腦斷層檢查可見右側鼻中隔長出表面平滑之均質腫瘤。經切除後病理報告為多形性腺瘤。術後追蹤清況良好,無復發跡象。


Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common type of benign epithelial salivary tumor. The appearance of this tumor in the upper respiratory tract is rare. Batsakis stated that within the upper respiratory tract the most favored site of origin is the nasal cavity, followed by the maxillary sinus and the nasopharynx. Compagno and Wong reviewed forty intranasal pleomorphic adenomas, among which the most common site of origin was the septum. The presenting symptoms include unilateral nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, etc. The majority of cases occur from the third through the sixth decades. There is no prdominance by sex. The histopathological features of pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal cavity differ from those of the parotid gland in certain aspects. Pleomorphic adenomas of the nasal cavity have a more cellular pattern, and less chondroid, myxoid stroma, and so have a lower recurrence rate than those of the parotid. Surgical resection with clear margins is the treatment of choice. Compagno and Wong cited a 10% recurrence rate following conservative resection. We present two cases of benign pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal septum treated by surgical resection. At postoperative follow-up of 6 months and 9 months, respectively, there has been no evidence of recurrence.


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