

回溯性收集了37例單側慢性鼻竇炎病例,占同期所有慢性鼻竇炎病例的18.7%,其中男性25例,女性12例。好發年齡為15-20歲。病史以超過5年者最多。主訴以鼻塞為主,平均侵犯鼻竇數為1.7個。理學檢查發現有息肉者共22例;明顯鼻漏者18例;鼻中隔彎曲者24例(其中凸側15例,凹側9例),彎曲部位大部份對著中鼻道,息肉發生率凹側較凸側高;主要病變皆位於上頜竇。CT顯示的鼻竇病變主要以上頜竇(62.2%)為主。CT之準確率以蝶竇最高。大部份以鼻竇功能性肉視鏡手術治療。手術發現粘膿樣分泌物多在上頜竇。鼻息肉分佈以中鼻道為主。其他的結構異常包括4例大泡狀鼻甲(conchabullosa)及2例大篩甲(oversized ethmoid bulla, agger nasi cell)。有過敏性鼻炎症狀者8例,黴菌感染2例。預後除了鼻息肉合併過敏性症狀者及麴菌感染者外均佳。(中耳醫誌 1997;32:389-394)


We collected retrospectively 37 cases of unilateral chronic paranasal sinusitis (UCPS) which included 25 cases of males and 12 cases of females and comprised 18. 7% of chronic paranasal sinusitis. The high-rated age range in most of the above cases fell on 15 to 20; the duration was over 5 years. The chief complaint in those cases was of nasal obstruction and the average number of involved sinus was 1.7. The physical examination revealed 22 cases of nasal polyps, 18 cases of nasal discharge, and 24 cases of septal deviation, with 15 cases on the convex side, where 9 cases on the conave side. The most common portion of septal deviation was located opposite the middle meatus. The most common lesion of UCPS was manifested over the maxillary sinus. The incidence of polyps occurred more on the concave side than on the convex side. The CT showed most sinus lesion located in the maxillary sinus (62.2%). The accuracy of CT diagnosis for the sinusitis attained very high (100%) in the sphenoid sinus. The treatment of choice for UCPS was by functional endoscopic sinus surgery. The operative findings revealed that mucopus was mostly retrained in the maxillary sinus; polyps present in the middle meatus. The other structure anomalies included 4 cases of concha bullosa and 2 cases of agger nasi cell. There were 8 cases of nasal allergy and 2 cases of fungal sinusitis in our study. Prognosis was well except for nasal polyposis, nasal allergy and fungal sinusitis.

