

Wegner氏肉芽腫(Wegner’s granulomatosis)之典型發炎病灶包括壞死,血管炎及肉芽腫之形成,與其他壞死性血管炎的差別在於它易侵犯上下呼吸道及腎臟。病程進展程度差異很大,隱襲性到快速進展致死皆有。目前的報告以免疫抑制劑cyclophosphamide加上類固醇的治療結果較好。本科在1988年經驗一例成人局限型Wegener氏肉芽腫,以上述之化學治療8年多,臨床症狀無復發現象,紅血球沈降速率(ESR)亦控制在正常範圍之內。今將其臨床表徵、病理學及近年來治療趨勢提出討論。(中耳醫誌 1997;32:439-443)


Wegener’s granulomatosis is distinguished from other necrotizing vasculitis by it’s predilection of affect the upper, lower respiratory tracts and kidney. In most cases, the inflammatory lesions typically include necrosis, granulomatous change and vasculitis. In 1988, we experienced a case of limited form of Wegener’s granulomatosis without involving the kidney. A 25-year-old man complained of recurrent right epistaxis for 6 weeks, bilateral hearing impairment and right otorrhea for 3 weeks. Physical examinations revealed ulcerative lesions on the right middle and inferior turbinates and right purulent otorrhea. Sinus computed tomogrtaphic scan showed haziness on bilateral ethmoid and right maxillary sinuses. After the specimens being obtained through the right CaldwellLuc’s operation, the histopathologic report was necrotizing granulomatous inflammation and vasculitis. After being treated with cyclophosphamide and prednisolone, there has been no evidence of relapse till now.


  • 張巍耀、許振益(1997)。Wegner氏肉芽腫症中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會雜誌32(5),355-363。https://doi.org/10.6286/1997.32.5.355
  • 蔡循典、黃郁文、張克昌、陳一豪(1992)。局限型Wegener氏肉芽腫症-病例報告中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會雜誌27(1),58-61。https://doi.org/10.6286/1992.27.1.58
  • 黃志堅、蘇茂昌、陳宗琨、林士堯、林肇穗、張昭明(1997)。Bezold氏膿腫-病例報告中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會雜誌32(3),333-336。https://doi.org/10.6286/1997.32.3.333
  • 夏熙、朱世輝(1985)。魏格納氏肉芽腫病當代醫學(142),660-663。https://doi.org/10.29941/MT.198508.0013
  • Somaily, M., & Arfaj, A. S. A. (2012). Wegener's Granulomatosis with Very Unusual Presentation. International Journal of Case Reports and Images (IJCRI), 3(12), 47-51. https://doi.org/10.5348/ijcri-2012-12-237-CR-11