  • 期刊


As Elegies: On the Emotional Writing of The Nine Elegies Exploring the beauty of WANG, CHANG-LING'S "Cóng-jūnxíng" (the fourth) from the perspective of the word spectrum




字譜 吟詩 節奏 聲情


Recitation is the best way to demonstrate the rhyme and the beauty of musicality of poetry. To faithfully express the meanings of a poem, accurate recitation is the only way. Recitation affects deeply on the expression of sounds and meanings of a poem. Although people use various dialects to extract the special touches in poem reciting, the unanimous goal is to exhibit the acoustic, affective, and rhythmic aesthetics thereof. Current reciting methods have inherited the legacies from ancient dynasties and become diversified. Nowadays while talking about the poetry or appreciating the poems, most people just focus on the meaning of the phrases only. People seldom savor the beauty of the rhythm of the poetry by intoning so that they neglect the importance of reciting to poetry expression. Thus, I explore the appreciation means of poetry from the aspect of word spectrum, and make the way of poetry appreciation more various and deep.


[漢]毛亨傳、鄭玄箋,[唐]孔穎達疏:《毛詩正義》,收入[清]阮元校刻:《十三經注疏》(臺北:藝文印書館景十三經注疏本[清嘉慶二十年江西南昌府學刊本],1989 年)。
[漢]鄭玄注,[唐]孔穎達等疏:《禮記正義》,收入[清]阮元校刻:《十三經注疏》(臺北:藝文印書館景十三經注疏本[清嘉慶二十年江西南昌府學刊本],1989 年)。
[清]朱彝尊:《曝書亭全集》(臺北:中華書局,1981 年)。
[清]康熙敕編:《全唐詩》(臺北:文史哲出版社[排印版],1987 年)。
