  • 期刊


A Chronological study of Carl Rogers – The Person-centered Approach to World Peace Movement


卡爾.羅吉斯博士是以「個人中心治療取向」的觀點,造就渠成為本世紀「人文主義思想」的領導人地位。身為「個人中心治療學派」的創始人與發言人,渠始終本著個人思想的精髓,漸次地實現在「經世濟民」中的宿願上,並且盡心付諸於「世界和平」的實際行動中。然而,吾人常在眼審視「個人中心療法」之同時,僅嚴辭批判其法則之有限,而忽視羅吉斯氏之學術思想著有其一脈相繫 一體成型的特性。倘吾人只以「見前不顧後」而觀其績業,不異又犯了「見木不見林」的窄陋?因此,本研究乃藉由年代查考與譜誌記錄的方式,逐件羅列渠畢生浸淫於浩瀚學海之功勳事蹟;繼之,並據以析理出渠在學思發展上之階段現象。最後,再針對氏之三大學思精義及其影響力,提出說明、供作參考。綜而言之,羅吉斯氏以其在學術上的創見以及事功上的成就,值得世人尊崇、儀範天下之。


As an innovator and spokesman of the person-centered approach, Carl Rogers is best known in the world of psychology. It is for his method of psychotherapy, originally called non-directive or client-centered therapy, and his pioneering research on the therapy process, that represent much development in the history psychology in the United States. Partly because it is tied to psychology rather than to medicine, client-centered therapy has become quite popular among clinical psychologists and other psychological counselors. In addition, because it is fairly easy to learn and does not require long years of training and personal analysis, and because clients are often benefited after only a few therapy sessions, the Rogersian method has become widespread among people in other counseling professions. From his whole life, we can easily see that he was not only devoting himself to the innovation of the person-centered approach, but also concentrating his energies on the process of encounter group, and then on the ideas of world peace for almost twenty years. Such commitment may have resulted from his early development and his enthusiastic religious background. Therefore, this study would present Rogers' academic life in chronological order; and it also try to state his three main ideas and issues on person-centered therapy, encounter group and the world peace movement in serial life-stages. Later, this study would discuss about how much Rogers' works influence on the other fields of academic progressive. Hopefully, it would make easier to the driving force of Rogers' ideals with the development of his academic concepts.
