  • 期刊


Responses of Adolescents to Inter-Parental Conflicts


本研究旨在探討青少年面對父母間衝突時的感受和想法及其如何詮釋父母間衝突的不同解決結果,而採取什麼樣的介入方式。本研究之樣本是對30位國中生進行半結構式訪談,並請230位國中生填寫開放式問卷,研究結果分述如下: 1.父母衝突時以口語攻擊最多,其次是冷戰。父親之肢體攻擊及拿無生命物品出氣比率比母親多。 2.衝突當時的解決方式以離開現場最多,其次母則是採冷戰,父親較多採主動言和。 3.衝突事後的解決方式父母親皆以順其自然為最多,另外,父在間接示好及處理實質問題上比率較高,母則在對第三者之訴苦之比率較高。 4.青少年對父母衝突解決與否的推論線索,認為完全解決的主要是以兩人開始互動、兩人關係恢復了有說有笑最多,而未解決則主要是實際問題未解決,問題還是重覆發生。 5.青少年面對父母之衝突時以害怕之情緒最多 6.青少年大多數未介入父母之衝突,在性別及排行上之介入比率差異不大。但青少年較易直接介入或事後介入肢體玻離與未解決的衝突事件。 7.介入之理由以擔心父母關係惡化或離異為主,其次才是為幫助一方。


青少年 父母衝突 介入 排行


The purpose of this study is to investigate the feelings, the responses of the adolescents, and the ways that the adolescents may intervene when they are facing to the inter-parental conflicts. This study was carried out by conducting a semi-structured in-depth - interviews to the 30 junior-high school students and performing a open-questionnaire survey to 230 junior-high school students. The qualitative analysis shows the results as follows: 1.Most inter-parental conflicts occur in the form of oral offense, and the next was the cold war. Body offense from father or taking objects to vent his anger was also seen in a higher ratio than that happened in mother. 2.”Leaving the spot” was the method of resolving the occurring –conflict mostly seen; the next was developing a cold war. In most cases father likes to initiate the resolution of the conflicts 3.”Let nature take its course” was the method mostly seen of resolving the occurred conflicts. In addition, showing goodwill indirectly father has higher ratio than mother. Nevertheless, mother liked to air complaints to the third person. 4.Most adolescents were scarred when they faced to the inter –parental conflicts. 5.Most adolescents did not intervene to the inter-parental conflicts. 6.Most reasons that adolescents may intervene the conflicts were based on the worries of the deterioration of inter-parental relationship, which may cause separation; the next was to help one side, father or mother.


