  • 學位論文


The relationship between interparental conflict and adolescents' adjustment: Triangulation as a mediator

指導教授 : 謝珮玲


本研究旨在探討青少年所知覺的「父母衝突」、「親子三角關係」與「不適應行為」的現況,不同背景變項的青少年在各變項之差異情形,並以親子三角關係為中介變項,瞭解其在父母衝突與青少年不適應行為之間的角色。研究對象為中部地區的國中學生,採問卷調查法,選擇「婚姻衝突量表─修訂版」、「親子三角關係量表」、「親職化量表」與「青少年社會行為評量表」為研究工具,共得959份有效問卷,以瞭解青少年在各變項的現況與不同背景變項之間的差異情形。另外,因家庭內親子三角關係是發生在父母之間產生衝突、婚姻關係緊張之時,因此本研究依照理論,從整體有效問卷中挑選出父母衝突程度相對較高的次樣本,以685份問卷進行分析,瞭解親子三角關係在父母衝突和青少年不適應行為之中介角色。問卷調查所得的資料以SPSS 18.0 for Windows進行描述性統計、平均數差異檢定、單因子變異數分析與多元階層迴歸分析。主要研究結果如下: 一、 青少年所知覺的父母衝突、親子三角關係和不適應行為現況 (一) 青少年所知覺的整體父母衝突並不高,屬於中低程度,父母之間的衝突頻率與強度偏低,大多有效解決衝突。 (二) 青少年所知覺的整體親子三角關係程度並不高,屬於中低程度,家庭內「不固定跨世代聯盟」、「固定跨世代聯盟」、「支持性迂迴」、「攻擊性迂迴」、「仲裁性照顧」、「功能性照顧」與「情感性照顧」等親子三角關係的情形並不明顯。 (三) 青少年的整體適應情形佳,無明顯之「外向性問題」、「內向性問題」與「學業適應問題」。 二、 不同背景變項的青少年,在知覺父母衝突、親子三角關係與不適應行為的差異情形 (一) 青少年所知覺的父母衝突,會因「性別」、「年級」與「父母婚姻狀態」而有所不同。女孩比男孩傾向於感覺父母之間有較強烈、未解決的衝突;國二、國三較國一的孩子感到父母經常有衝突發生、衝突程度激烈,國三比國一的孩子感到父母未能妥善解決衝突;父母離婚、分居的青少年比父母結婚且同住的孩子感到父母間有較為頻繁、強烈的衝突,且衝突未能有效解決。另外,父母其中一方過世的青少年,在知覺父母衝突未解決的程度上也比父母結婚且同住的青少年還要高。 (二) 青少年所知覺的親子三角關係,會因「性別」與「年級」而有所不同。女孩感受到「固定跨世代聯盟」和「情感性照顧」的情形比男孩明顯,但男孩比女孩更覺得有「支持性迂迴」的情形發生;國一比國三的孩子更容易與父母一方形成「不固定跨世代聯盟」,或是與父母形成「支持性迂迴」;國一比國二的孩子較容易成為父母共同指責、管教的對象,形成「攻擊性迂迴」;至於國一、國二的孩子,比國三的孩子容易將解決父母衝突的責任攬在自己的身上,形成「仲裁性照顧」之親子三角關係。 (三) 青少年發生不適應行為的頻率,會因「性別」、「年級」、「父母婚姻狀態」與「家庭社經地位」而有所不同。男孩有外向性、學業適應問題的頻率比女孩還高;國三比國一、國二的學生更傾向有內向性問題;父母離婚的青少年比父母結婚且同住的青少年有較多的內、外向性和學業適應問題;來自中高、中低社經地位家庭的青少年,比高社經地位的青少年有較多的學業適應問題。 三、 親子三角關係在父母衝突與青少年不適應行為間之中介角色 (一) 父母衝突能顯著預測青少年的不適應行為 父母衝突對青少年內、外向性及學業適應問題皆有顯著正向預測力,父母衝突愈頻繁、強烈且衝突未能妥善解決,青少年不適應情形就愈明顯。 (二) 親子三角關係之四種內涵能顯著預測青少年的不適應行為 1. 「固定跨世代聯盟」對青少年內向性問題有顯著的正向預測力,青少年在家庭內與父母其中一方關係緊密,而與另一方疏離,會有較多的內向性問題。 2. 「攻擊性迂迴」對青少年內向性、外向性及學業適應問題有顯著的正向預測力,父母若以攻擊、指責的方式來迴避面對夫妻關係中的問題,青少年會有較多的內、外向性及學業方面的適應問題。 3. 「仲裁性照顧」對青少年內向性問題有顯著的負向預測力,當青少年將解決父母衝突的責任攬在自己身上,較不會有內向性問題。 4. 「情感性照顧」對青少年學業適應問題有顯著的負向預測力,當青少年承擔照顧家人情緒的責任,較不會有學業方面的適應問題。 (三) 父母衝突能顯著預測親子三角關係中的五種內涵 1. 父母衝突對「不固定跨世代聯盟」、「固定跨世代聯盟」和「攻擊性迂迴」有顯著的正向預測力,當父母衝突愈頻繁、強烈且衝突未能妥善解決時,青少年在上述親子三角關係的知覺程度愈明顯。 2. 父母衝突對「支持性迂迴」和「仲裁性照顧」有顯著的負向預測力,當父母衝突愈頻繁、強烈且衝突未能妥善解決時,青少年在上述親子三角關係的知覺程度愈不明顯。 (四) 親子三角關係之「攻擊性迂迴」,在父母衝突與青少年不適應行為之間,扮演中介變項的角色 1. 親子三角關係之「攻擊性迂迴」內涵,在父母衝突與青少年內向性、外向性及學業適應問題之間,具有部分中介的效果。 2. 親子三角關係之「固定跨世代聯盟」、「不固定跨世代聯盟」、「支持性迂迴」、「仲裁性照顧」、「功能性照顧」與「情感性照顧」等內涵,並未在父母衝突與青少年內向性、外向性及學業適應問題之間產生中介效果。 最後,本研究依據研究結果進行討論,並針對實務工作及未來研究提出建議。


The aim of this study was to investigate the adolescents’ perceptions of “interparental conflict”, “triangulation”, and “adolescents’ adjustment”. Their differences under demographic variables were also examined. Most importantly, the author explored the mediation effect of triangulation between interparental conflict and adolescents’ adjustment. The sample consisted of 959 students from junior high schools in Taichung City. Four questionnaires were applied, including “Marital Conflict Scale-Revised”, “Triangulation Scale”, “Parentification Scale”, and “Adolescent Social Behavior Scale”. Since triangulation was defined as "the conflicts occurred between parents and the tension in marital relationship", the author selected a sub-sample of 685 students to analyze the relationships of triangulation, interparental conflict and adolescents’ adjustment. The sub-sample consisted of students who perceived their parents as relatively higher relationship conflict. In data analysis, the SPSS 18.0 for Descriptive Statists, t-tests, one way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis were applied. The results of the study were as follows: A. The adolescents’ perceptions of interparental conflict, triangulation, and adolescents’ adjustment: a). Adolescents perceived the interparental conflict as lower than average. The frequency and intensity of interparental conflict were low and most of the conflicts could be effectively resolved. b). Adolescent perceived the triangulation as lower than average. They did not perceive much “unstable cross-generational coalition”, “stable cross-generational coalition”, “detouring-supportive”, “detouring-attacking”, “arbitration caregiving”, “instrumental caregiving”, and “emotional caregiving” with their parents. c). The adjustment of adolescent were relatively well and not evident in “externalizing problems”, “internalizing problems”, and “learning problems”. B. The differences among interparental conflict, triangulation, and adolescents’ adjustment under different demographic variables: a). The degree of interparental conflict were significantly different in “gender”, “grade level”, and “parent’s marital status”. Specifically, girls tended to perceive more intense and unresolved interparental conflict than boys. Grade 2 and Grade 3 students tended to perceive more frequent and intense interparental conflict than Grade 1 students. Grade 3 students tended to perceive more unresolved interparental conflict than Grade 1 students. Adolescents whose parents were divorced or separated would perceive more frequent, intense, and unresolved interparental conflict than whose parents were in the state of being married. If one of parent was dead, adolescents generally perceived more unresolved interparental conflict than whose parents were alive and in the state of being married. b). The degree of Triangulation were significantly different in “gender” and “grade level”. Specifically, girls tended to perceive more “stable cross-generational coalition”, “emotional caregiving”, and less “supportive-detouring” than boys. Grade 1 students tended to perceive more “unstable cross-generational coalition” and “detouring-supportive” than Grade 3 students, and more “detouring-attacking” than the Grade 2. At last, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students tended to perceive more “arbitration caregiving” than the Grade 3. c). The degree of adolescents’ adjustment were significantly different in “gender”, “grade level”, “parent’s marital status”, and “social economic status”. Specifically, boys tended to have more “externalizing problems” and “learning problems” than girls. Grade 3 students tended to have more “internalizing problems” than Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. Adolescents whose parents were divorced would have more “internalizing problems”, “externalizing problems”, and “learning problems” than whose parents were in the state of being married. Adolescents from upper-middle and lower-middle level tended to have more “learning problems” than those who have higher level of socioeconomic status. C. The mediation effect of triangulation between interparental conflict and adolescents’ adjustment: a) Interparental conflict could predict adolescents’ adjustment. Interparental conflict could positively predict adolescents’ “internalizing problems”, “externalizing problems”, and “learning problems”. Adolescents who perceived more frequent, intense, and unresolved interparental conflict were more likely to experience adjustment problems. b) Four types of Triangulation could predict adolescents’ adjustment. i. “Stable cross-generational coalition” could positively predict adolescents’ “internalizing problems”. Adolescents who were closer with one of their parents and alienated with the other would have more “internalizing problems”. ii. “Detouring-attacking” could positively predict adolescents’ “internalizing problems”, “externalizing problems”, and “learning problems”. If parents protect their marital relationship by attacking and criticizing their adolescent children, the adolescents would be more likely to have “internalizing problems”, “externalizing problems”, and “learning problems”. iii. “Arbitration caregiving” could negatively predict adolescents’ “internalizing problems”. If adolescents perceived they have the responsibility to resolve interparental conflict, they would be less likely to have “internalizing problems”. iv. “Emotional caregiving” could negatively predict adolescents’ “learning problems”. If adolescents perceived they have the responsibility to take care of family members’ emotion, they would be less likely to have “learning problems”. c) Five types of Triangulation could predict adolescents’ adjustment. i. Interparental conflict could positively predict “unstable cross-generational coalition”, “stable cross-generational coalition”, and “detouring-attacking”. Adolescents who perceived more frequent, intense, and unresolved interparental conflict would be more likely to perceive “unstable cross-generational coalition”, “stable cross-generational coalition”, and “detouring-attacking” with their parents. ii. Interparental conflict could negatively predict “detouring-supportive” and “arbitration caregiving”. Adolescents who perceived more frequent, intense, and unresolved interparental conflict would be less likely to perceive “detouring-supportive” and “arbitration caregiving” with their parents. d) The “detouring-attacking” could partially mediate the relationship between interparental conflict and adolescents’ adjustment. i. The “detouring-attacking” could partially mediated the relationship between interparental conflict and adolescents’ “internalizing problems”, “externalizing problems”, and “learning problems”. ii. The “stable cross-generational coalition”, “unstable cross-generational coalition”, “detouring-supportive”, “arbitration caregiving”, “instrumental caregiving”, and “emotional caregiving” could not partially mediate the relationship between interparental conflict and adolescents’ “internalizing problems”, “externalizing problems”, and “learning problems”. Based on the above results, further discussions and suggestions are addressed


