  • 期刊


The Impact of Taiwan's Presidential Elections on Cross-Strait Relations: Vote-Maximizing Model and Strategic Triangle Approach






This article applies the ”vote-maximizing model” to analyze the impact of the ROC's 2000 presidential elections on cross-strait relations. Because public opinion features standard distribution on both unification-independence issue and security vs. economic interest issue, the mainland policy of the various political parties of Taiwan tend to converge toward the center. This tendency is embodied in Chen Shui-bian's ”new middle road” and his willingness to discuss with mainland China on the issue of ”one China” after he was elected president. Similar political pressure is put on American political parties concerning the US's China policy. During elections the US administration usually meet strong criticism from the Congress, the rank and file citizen. Since maximizing votes is the primary consideration of the incumbent party, there is always a tilt toward idealism and Taiwan. However, during the inter-electoral periods the US administration tilted back toward realism and take a pro-Beijing stance. In mainland China, economic performance and nationalism are the two remaining pillars of the Communist Party's legitimacy. The emphasis on the former results in pursuit of peace in the Taiwan Strait, while the stress on the latter tends to harden Beijing's stance toward Taiwan. The party congress held at five years' intervals pose challenge to the incumbents and induces them to take harsh policies toward Taiwan. The presidential elections and their aftermath pose no real threat to Taiwan, as the combination of domestic factors in the three countries during this period of time is conducive to peace and security in the Taiwan Straits. However, 2001 and 2002 bodes ill to Taiwan, as the combination of domestic factors then will move to Taiwan's disadvantage.




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徐幸玲(2006)。國、民兩黨大陸政策之比較研究(1986 ~ 2004)〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2006.01082
