  • 期刊


Institutional Reform of the PRC State Council, 1998-2001: Progresses and Challenges-Analyzing the "Reinventing-government" Perspective


本文主要是以政府再造觀點來檢視1998年中共「國務院」機構改革。西方政府再造主要改革策略包括:組織精簡與重組、建構「小而能」與企業政府、實行國營企業民營化、強調顧客導向以及采行僚化措施。 中共機構改革主要著力於變革計劃經濟體制形成之政府機構建制、進行組織精簡與重組以及強化市場經濟運作職能。盡管中共「國務院」機構改革背景、策略、市場化程度,與西方執行政府再造國家不同,政府再造理念亦不盡然適用,但是處于市場轉型期的中國大陸,無論是市場經濟體系下政府體制之建構,或者機構與革所強調的功能、效率與服務等理念仍有值得借鑒之處。預計2002年中共「十六大」後可望再提出「國務院」機構改革方案。未來「國務院」機構仍將持續精簡重組,但政府職能轉變仍是改革之重心。


This study focuses on institutional reforms of the PRC's State Council between 1998 and 2001 within the conceptual framework of reinventing government. The main strategies for reinventing government in western countries include: downsizing and reorganization; building a ”small but effective” and entrepreneurial government; adopting privatization, debureaucratization, and customer-oriented measures. The institutional reforms instituted by the Chinese government is centered on government structure based on planned economy, downsizing and reorganization, and the function of market operation. Although China differs from the western countries in terms of reform background, strategy and the degree of marketization, it is worthwhile for China to learn from the west their ideas of reinventing government during its transitional economy. The 16th Party Congress will be held in 2002, and the Chinese communists will propose another round of institutional reforms. Therefore, the State Council will continue downsizing and reorganizing, and the core issue of the reform will still be the transformation of the government functions.


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