  • 期刊


A Study on Frequent Practical Issues of Basketball Shooting


本研究以凡常投籃問題為主,做理論與實務性探討,目的旨在教學相長與提供給熱愛籃球運動的青年學子參考;因此以上課中學生提問、網路上網友提問為限,做相關分析與探討,經討論後做成以下結論: 一、近距離投籃多用手刀宛與手指頭力量,穩定性會增高,也可促成球體後下旋轉,如此多數時候可讓球滾進籃框。 二、投籃練習份量不足姿勢經常會走樣,進而投籃者失去信心,影響投籃命中率。 三、投籃動作力量來源自全身的協調動作;因此,雙腳微彎、力量方向往前上方、手腕壓下要快、以食指為主出力是主要關鍵。其次投籃動作是高舉過額頭就要準備出手,動作是連貫的。 四、接球跳投首在接球,把球接好再做跳投是須有的體認;而移位跳投力量來源多數出自於跑動的力量,那是水平之力轉變成垂直力量,並且是跳起後立即出手;假如單腳急停跳投,建議以內側腳為軸,進攻上比較有利。 五、要學會急停跳投,需要依次鍛鍊肌耐力、學會快跑急停、急停墊步、墊步躍起、躍起出手投籃等動作。


籃球 投籃 實務


The theoretical and practical research in question aims at frequent basketball shooting issues for reference to teachers, students as well as youngsters enthusiastic about basketball. The analyses and researches are conducted based on questions raised in classrooms, on the web and the following conclusions have been reached after discussions: 1. To use the wrists and fingers for short-range shooting for higher stability and backspin ball that may roll into the ring most of the time. 2. For the lack of shooting practice, one may be used to incorrect shooting positions and eventually the shooter may lose confidence and shooting average may drop. 3. As a good shooting demands successful coordination of all body, slightly bent feet, forward-and-upward force, rapidly pressing wrist and directing index finger are keys. Secondly, in consecutive movements, the player is to raise the ball over the forehead first and then make the shoot. 4. Catching the ball is key to successful jump shoot and it demands good knowledge about catching the ball correctly before the jump shot. The running force is key to a good jump shot while moving and it deals with transforming the horizontal force into vertical one and the shot is made immediately after jumping up. For an abrupt jump shot on one foot, we would recommend using the foot on the inside as pivot for high success rate. 5. Good abrupt jump shoots demand good muscle force and endurance, abrupt stop during fast run, stepping after abrupt stop, Jump after stepping and shooting after jump among others.


Basketball shooting practical issues


