  • 期刊


Making and Evaluation of a Plasma Density Measuring System



本研究設計是以白金線或鎢線探針穿入電漿產生室內部,以靜電式量測電漿中的電子溫度、電子流束。以此量測操作時,操作室內的電漿離子化密度、均勻性與隨時間變化的穩定度等相關資訊。利用量測所得的電漿狀態這些數據,可調整各項電漿製程的操作參數,使非穩定低溫電漿的產生保持在可控制的狀況。實驗結果顯示:本設計對電子溫度(或將之推算為電漿密度)之量測,藉由F. F. Chen與Bohm的計算模式,對大面積的陣列天線式微波電漿系統之電子密度的估算約達10(上標 9) cm(上標 -3)以上(N(下標 2)及O(下標2)電漿);對較大型加極板的高周波密度則推測在10(上標 8) cm(上標 -3),以上。結果與一般理論值在合理的差距範圍。本裝置除了提供使用者監測電漿反應器內的電漿狀態外,也有利於作為電漿相關製程之改良或修正的參考。


探測針 電漿製程 電漿密度


Current design utilizes a Pt or W probe penetrated through the plasma reactive chamber and measures statically the state of electron flow to monitor the electron (or ion) density, uniformity and stability of generated plasma. The data can provide information to adjust the various parameters in operation and to maintain its state in a controllable condition. The result has demonstrated a reproducible approach to a theoretical value on the measurement of electron temperature, referred to as plasma density). Using the calculation models from Chen and Bohm, a 3-A antenna array microwave plasma produces an electron density of ca. 10(superscript 10(superscript 9) cm(superscript -3) (for N(subscript 2) and O(subscript 2) plasma), compared with Radio-frequency plasma discharge (with electrode) of ca. 10(superscript 6)~10(superscript 8) cm(superscript 3). The result has good agreement with most of theoretical calculations. This device not only provides an approach to trace plasma states, but also a basis for improving and adjusting the plasma-related process.


probe processing plasma density
