  • 期刊


Grade Evaluation by the Concept of Data Envelopment Analysis


本文將探討有別於一般傳統之成績評量觀念,學生亦可以參與成績計分方法之訂定。學生可獲得高分若學生有足夠的理由可解釋之。學生可自行訂定其最有利之加權比重,但這些由個別學生所訂定出之加權比重必須與同班同學維持在某種公平性之下所達成。由於分數之計分是以鼓勵為出發點,所以分數分佈也不必和以往一樣需呈常態分佈。 本文將以線性規劃中資料包絡分析法之觀念建立改良式模式探討計分比重分配之問題。將模式運用在真實之數據上,所得之結果與我們的理念相互允合。然而在分數運算之複雜度並未大量增加,所以可作為未來評分方法上的新考量。


We study the new concepts of grade evaluation which is dominated by students themselves instead of by the instructors. Each individual student, at the end of the class, determines her/his weight ratios for all of her/his subgrades in order to optimize her/his final grade. However, by considering the fairness, each individual-determined ratios should have some degree of compromise with other students'. On the other hand, we should no longer strive for a normal distribution for the grades. In this study, based on the concepts of data envelopment analysis (DEA), we developed a linear programming model to our problem. The reason is that the inherent property of compromise in DEA matches with ours. We apply our linear programming model to the real example and the results shown are highly consistent with what we expected.
