  • 期刊


Establishment for Estimate Model of Regional Aquaculture Water Use, with Chia-Yi County as Example


政府為掌握養殖對水土資源的使用實況,藉以減少養殖漁業對環境之衝擊,故提倡申辦養殖漁業登記證及水權登記。當申請水權時,對魚塭中養殖種類及需要使用的水量皆須有所瞭解。前人的研究,使用平均數來計算養殖用水量,未盡恰當,蓋養殖魚塭用水,不但因養殖區域、養殖魚種之不同有別,而有無使用循環水設施之用水型式及不同之魚塭池水鹽度亦影響養殖用水量,是故本研究考慮各種影響養殖用水的變數,發展出區域養殖用水量的推估模式,並針對嘉義縣主要養殖魚種,以訪問及問卷調查之方式,再搭配由漁業署民國87年田間調查資料中統計出之魚種養殖模式面積,可得該魚種之總用水量,總和地區內各魚種之總用水量即為該區域養殖總用水量。 本研究推估嘉義縣區域養殖用水,其總用水量為367,457,000 m^3,其中海水用水量為188,810,000 m^3、淡水總用水量為178,647,000 m^3、地下水用水量為36,696,000 m^(3)。依此模式可精確地推估區域養殖用水量,並可模擬推估出各地區養殖魚種、用水型式及養殖池水鹽度變化情形下可能用水量。


魚種 用水型式 池水鹽度


The government starts the fish farming registration and water rights registration in order to understand the actual usage of water resource in aquaculture and to minimize their impact on environment. Types of fish and amount of water used in the ponds are understood when applying for water rights. It is unreasonable to calculate the water usage in aquaculture using mean values by previous researchers, since the water usage depends on its district, types of fish, and whether recycle facility being available. Salinity of water such as fresh water, brackish water and sea-water also affects the amount of water used. In this research, an estimation model for calculating the amount of regional water was developed by considering all factors that affect aquaculture. By visitation and inquiry papers, data for types of fish and salinity of water, etc was obtained in Chayi area. This data, together with the statistic data collected by Fisheries Administration Council of Agriculture, the amount of water used for certain type offish is calculated. Total water usage for each fish type is summed up. Then regional water usage is developed by summing water usage of all fish kinds. In this research, the total aquacultural water use is predicted to be 367,457,000 m^3, in which 36,696,000 m^3 is ground water; 178,647,000 m^3 is surface fresh water and 188,810,000 m^3 is sea water. With this model, regional aquacultural water usage can be estimated even with different fish kinds, water usage facility and salinity of water.
